Preservación de pruebas – trámites nacionales para los procedimientos de la CPI


Georgia - Law on Cooperation between the International Criminal Court and Georgia 2003 EN

Chapter V
Surrender of a person to the International Court

Article 22. A request for searching for and arrest of a person; preservation of evidence

1. A request concerning the searching for and arrest of a person required by the International Court must contain:
(a) exact data on the person whom the request refers to and his alleged actual location;
(b) a summary of circumstances of the case as well as, if possible, place and time of commission of a crime;
(c) an indication to a warrant of arrest or a convicting decision made in relation to the person;
(d) an indication that a request for surrender will be further presented.

2. If the Responsible Agency decides in favor of the request, it then applies to the Prosecutor General of Georgia; the latter, in accordance with procedure prescribed by law, issues a warrant of searching for, arrest and searching the person.

3. When arresting a person, items that may be used as evidence before the International Court shall be seized and preserved in a manner prescribed by law.

4. The fact of arresting and seizure of the evidence shall be notified to the Responsible Agency, which on its part immediately informs the International Court thereon and requests the Court to immediately forward a request for surrender to it.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(j) Proteger a víctimas y testigos y preservar pruebas;