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Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2010 EN

Chapter 2 Provision of legal assistance in criminal cases

Article 9

Requesting information or materials related to a criminal case from the competent authorities of a foreign state and providing such information to the competent authorities of a foreign state

1. Where there are relevant legal grounds, where necessary, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia shall request information or materials related to a criminal case conducted by them from the competent authorities of a foreign state.

2. Where there are relevant legal grounds, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia may, upon request, provide information or materials obtained during the investigation of the criminal case conducted by the competent authorities of Georgia to the competent authorities of a foreign state.

3. In the case of providing information or materials indicated in paragraph 1 of this article to the competent authorities of a foreign state on its own initiative, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia may impose a restriction on the use of the information or materials provided.

4. The competent authorities of Georgia shall comply with the restrictions established by the competent authorities of a foreign state in relation to the use of information and materials provided by them.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(b) Practicar pruebas, incluidos los testimonios bajo juramento, y producir pruebas, incluidos los dictámenes e informes periciales que requiera la Corte;