Protection of safety of physical or psychological well-being of victims, witnesses and families


Mexico - Constitution 1917 (2015) EN

''TITLE ONE, CHAPTER I: Human Rights and Guarantees, Article 19''

The Public Prosecution Service can request of the judge preventive prison only when

other precautionary measures are not enough to ensure the presence of the accused

in his trial, the development of the investigation, the protection of the victim,

witnesses or community, as well as when the accused is on trial or had been

previously convicted for having committed an intentional crime.

Rome Statute

Article 87 Requests for cooperation: general provisions

4. In relation to any request for assistance presented under this Part, the Court may take such measures, including measures related to the protection of information, as may be necessary to ensure the safety or physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families. The Court may request that any information that is made available under this Part shall be provided and handled in a manner that protects the safety and physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families.