Artículo 15.- Solicitud de cooperación o asistencia a la Corte Penal Internacional. El Ministerio Público podrá solicitar cooperación a la CPI o a cualquiera de sus órganos en la medida en que lo consideren necesario para una investigación o proceso penal que se siga en la República Dominicana, conforme a lo previsto en el párrafo 10 del artículo 93 del Estatuto de Roma.
Párrafo.- Las solicitudes podrán realizarse o bien de manera directa o a través del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, según las circunstancias específicas de la situación.
(a) The Court may, upon request, cooperate with and provide assistance to a State Party conducting an investigation into or trial in respect of conduct which constitutes a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court or which constitutes a serious crime under the national law of the requesting State.
b. The questioning of any person detained by order of the Court;
(i) The assistance provided under subparagraph (a) shall include, inter alia:
a. The transmission of statements, documents or other types of evidence obtained in the course of an investigation or a trial conducted by the Court; and
(ii) In the case of assistance under subparagraph (b) (i) a:
a. If the documents or other types of evidence have been obtained with the assistance of a State, such transmission shall require the consent of that State;
b. If the statements, documents or other types of evidence have been provided by a witness or expert, such transmission shall be subject to the provisions of article 68.
(c) The Court may, under the conditions set out in this paragraph, grant a request for assistance under this paragraph from a State which is not a Party to this Statute.