
Costa Rica

Costa Rica - Criminal Procedure Code 1996 (2020) ES


Resolución que acuerda la prisión preventiva La prisión preventiva sólo podrá decretarse por resolución debidamente fundamentada, en la cual se expresen cada uno de los presupuestos que la motivan. El auto deberá contener:

a) Los datos personales del imputado o los que sirvan para identificarlo.

b) Una sucinta enunciación del hecho o hechos que se le atribuyen.

c) La indicación de las razones por las cuales el tribunal estima que los presupuestos que motivan la medida concurren en el caso.

d) La cita de las disposiciones penales aplicables.

e) La fecha en que vence el plazo máximo de privación de libertad.


Revisión de la prisión preventiva Durante los primeros tres meses de acordada la prisión preventiva su revisión sólo procederá cuando el tribunal estime que han variado las circunstancias por las cuales se decretó. Vencido ese plazo, el tribunal examinará de oficio, por lo menos cada tres meses, los presupuestos de la prisión o internación y, según el caso, ordenará su continuación, modificación, sustitución por otra medida o la libertad del imputado. El incumplimiento del deber de revisión periódica sólo producirá la aplicación del régimen disciplinario cuando corresponda. Después de transcurrir tres meses de haberse decretado la prisión preventiva, el imputado podrá solicitar su revisión cuando estime que no subsisten las circunstancias por las cuales se acordó. Sus solicitudes interrumpen el plazo señalado en el párrafo anterior. Al revisarse la prisión preventiva el tribunal tomará en consideración, especialmente, la peligrosidad del imputado y la suficiencia de los elementos probatorios para sostener razonable mente que es autor de un hecho punible o partícipe en él.
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Cesación de la prisión preventiva La privación de libertad finalizará:

a) Cuando nuevos elementos de juicio demuestren que no concurren los motivos que la fundaron o tornen conveniente su sustitución por otra medida, aun antes de que transcurran tres meses de haberse decretado.

b) Cuando su duración supere o equivalga al monto de la posible pena por imponer, se considerará incluso la aplicación de reglas penales relativas a la suspensión o remisión de la pena, o a la libertad anticipada.

c) Cuando su duración exceda de doce meses.

ARTICULO 258.-Prórroga del plazo de prisión preventiva . A pedido del Ministerio Público, el plazo previsto en el artículo anterior podrá ser prorrogado por el Tribunal de Apelación de Sentencia, hasta por un año más, siempre que fije el tiempo concreto de la prórroga. En este caso, el tribunal deberá indicar las medidas necesarias para acelerar el trámite del procedimiento.

Si el tribunal de juicio dicta sentencia condenatoria que imponga pena privativa de libertad, el plazo de prisión preventiva podrá ser prorrogado mediante resolución fundada, por seis meses más. Esta última prórroga se sumará a los plazos de prisión preventiva señalados en el artículo anterior y en el párrafo primero de esta norma.

Vencidos esos plazos, no podrá acordarse una nueva ampliación del tiempo de la prisión preventiva, salvo lo dispuesto en el párrafo final de este artículo, para asegurar la realización del debate o de un acto particular, comprobar la sospecha de fuga o impedir la obstaculización de la averiguación de la verdad o la reincidencia. En tales casos, la privación de libertad no podrá exceder del tiempo absolutamente necesario para cumplir la finalidad de la disposición.

El Tribunal de Apelación de Sentencia, excepcionalmente y de oficio, podrá autorizar una prórroga de la prisión preventiva superior a los plazos anteriores y hasta por seis meses más, cuando dispongan el reenvío a un nuevo juicio.

De manera excepcional, la Sala de Casación Penal podrá ampliar, en los asuntos de su conocimiento, la prisión preventiva hasta por seis meses más allá de los términos de ley autorizados con anterioridad.


Suspensión de los plazos de prisión preventiva

Los plazos previstos en el artículo anterior, se suspenderán en los siguientes casos:

(*)a) Durante el tiempo en que el procedimiento esté suspendido a causa de la interposición de un recurso o acción ante la Sala Constitucional.

(*) (Por resolución de la Sala Constitucional de N° 2004-03901 del 21/04/2004, interpretó el inciso a) de este artículo en el siguiente sentido: se declara que esa norma no contraviene el artículo 39 constitucional ni los principios de seguridad y certeza jurídica siempre y cuando se interprete que la suspensión del plazo de la prisión preventiva dispuesta en esa norma no puede en ningún caso superar los plazos máximos establecidos en el artículo 378 inciso a) del Código Procesal Penal y que, cumplidos éstos, deberá ponerse al imputado en libertad.)

b) Durante el tiempo en que el debate se encuentre suspendido o se aplace su iniciación por impedimento o inasistencia del imputado o su defensor, o a solicitud de estos, siempre que la suspensión o el aplazamiento no se haya dispuesto por necesidades relacionadas con la adquisición de la prueba o como consecuencia de términos para la defensa.

c) Cuando el proceso deba prolongarse ante gestiones o incidencias evidentemente dilatorias formuladas por el imputado o sus defensores, según resolución motivada del tribunal.


Limitaciones No se decretará la prisión preventiva de las personas mayores de setenta años o valetudinarias, si el tribunal estima que, en caso de condena, no se les impondrá pena mayor a cinco años de prisión. Tampoco se decretará en relación con personas afectadas por una enfermedad grave y terminal. En estos casos, si es imprescindible la restricción de la libertad, se deberá decretar el arresto domiciliario o la ubicación en un centro médico o geriátrico. Podrá sustituirse la prisión preventiva por el arresto domiciliario, a las mujeres en estado avanzado de embarazo o con un hijo menor de tres meses de edad, cuando la privación de libertad ponga en peligro la vida, la salud o la integridad de la madre, el feto o el hijo.
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Artículo 430.-Dictado de la prisión preventiva

Cuando el fiscal considere la conveniencia de la imposición de la prisión preventiva o cualquiera otra medida cautelar, lo podrá solicitar así al tribunal de juicio, desde el inicio del proceso. En caso de que el tribunal, conforme a los parámetros establecidos en este Código, considere proporcional y razonable la solicitud del fiscal, establecerá la medida cautelar de prisión preventiva en contra del imputado, la cual no podrá sobrepasar los quince días hábiles.

Cuando deba solicitarse por un plazo superior, así como en los casos donde el fiscal o el tribunal de juicio considere que no corresponde aplicar el procedimiento expedito, por no estar ante hechos cometidos en flagrancia o al ser incompatible la investigación de los hechos, procederá la prisión preventiva, si existe mérito para ello, según las reglas establecidas en este Código. El juez penal será el encargado de resolver acerca de la solicitud dirigida por parte del fiscal.

En el caso del dictado oral de la sentencia condenatoria, si el tribunal lo considera oportuno, fijará la prisión preventiva en contra del imputado, por un plazo máximo de los seis meses. Cuando en sentencia se absuelva al imputado, se levantará toda medida cautelar o restrictiva impuesta en contra de él.

Para todo aquello que no se indique expresamente en este artículo, regirán las reglas de la prisión preventiva que se regulan en esta normativa procesal.

(Así adicionado por el artículo 18 de la Ley de Protección a Víctimas, Testigos y demás intervinientes en el Proceso Penal, N° 8720 de 4 de marzo de 2009)

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Rome Statute

Article 87 Requests for cooperation: general provisions


(a) The Court shall have the authority to make requests to States Parties for cooperation. The requests shall be transmitted through the diplomatic channel or any other appropriate channel as may be designated by each State Party upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to the designation shall be made by each State Party in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

(b) When appropriate, without prejudice to the provisions of subparagraph (a), requests may also be transmitted through the International Criminal Police Organization or any appropriate regional organization.

2. Requests for cooperation and any documents supporting the request shall either be in or be accompanied by a translation into an official language of the requested State or one of the working languages of the Court, in accordance with the choice made by that State upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to this choice shall be made in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

3. The requested State shall keep confidential a request for cooperation and any documents supporting the request, except to the extent that the disclosure is necessary for execution of the request.

4. In relation to any request for assistance presented under this Part, the Court may take such measures, including measures related to the protection of information, as may be necessary to ensure the safety or physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families. The Court may request that any information that is made available under this Part shall be provided and handled in a manner that protects the safety and physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families.


(a) The Court may invite any State not party to this Statute to provide assistance under this Part on the basis of an ad hoc arrangement, an agreement with such State or any other appropriate basis.

(b) Where a State not party to this Statute, which has entered into an ad hoc arrangement or an agreement with the Court, fails to cooperate with requests pursuant to any such arrangement or agreement, the Court may so inform the Assembly of States Parties or, where the Security Council referred the matter to the Court, the Security Council.

6. The Court may ask any intergovernmental organization to provide information or documents. The Court may also ask for other forms of cooperation and assistance which may be agreed upon with such an organization and which are in accordance with its competence or mandate.

7. Where a State Party fails to comply with a request to cooperate by the Court contrary to the provisions of this Statute, thereby preventing the Court from exercising its functions and powers under this Statute, the Court may make a finding to that effect and refer the matter to the Assembly of States Parties or, where the Security Council referred the matter to the Court, to the Security Council.

Article 88 Availability of procedures under national law

States Parties shall ensure that there are procedures available under their national law for all of the forms of cooperation which are specified under this Part.

Article 89 Surrender of persons to the Court

1. The Court may transmit a request for the arrest and surrender of a person, together with the material supporting the request outlined in article 91, to any State on the territory of which that person may be found and shall request the cooperation of that State in the arrest and surrender of such a person. States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the procedure under their national law, comply with requests for arrest and surrender.

2. Where the person sought for surrender brings a challenge before a national court on the basis of the principle of ne bis in idem as provided in article 20, the requested State shall immediately consult with the Court to determine if there has been a relevant ruling on admissibility. If the case is admissible, the requested State shall proceed with the execution of the request. If an admissibility ruling is pending, the requested State may postpone the execution of the request for surrender of the person until the Court makes a determination on admissibility.


(a) A State Party shall authorize, in accordance with its national procedural law, transportation through its territory of a person being surrendered to the Court by another State, except where transit through that State would impede or delay the surrender.

(b) A request by the Court for transit shall be transmitted in accordance with article 87. The request for transit shall contain:

(i) A description of the person being transported;

(ii) A brief statement of the facts of the case and their legal characterization; and

(iii) The warrant for arrest and surrender;

(c) A person being transported shall be detained in custody during the period of transit;

(d) No authorization is required if the person is transported by air and no landing is scheduled on the territory of the transit State;

(e) If an unscheduled landing occurs on the territory of the transit State, that State may require a request for transit from the Court as provided for in subparagraph (b). The transit State shall detain the person being transported until the request for transit is received and the transit is effected, provided that detention for purposes of this subparagraph may not be extended beyond 96 hours from the unscheduled landing unless the request is received within that time.

4. If the person sought is being proceeded against or is serving a sentence in the requested State for a crime different from that for which surrender to the Court is sought, the requested State, after making its decision to grant the request, shall consult with the Court.

Article 90 Competing requests

1. A State Party which receives a request from the Court for the surrender of a person under article 89 shall, if it also receives a request from any other State for the extradition of the same person for the same conduct which forms the basis of the crime for which the Court seeks the person's surrender, notify the Court and the requesting State of that fact.

2. Where the requesting State is a State Party, the requested State shall give priority to the request from the Court if:

(a) The Court has, pursuant to article 18 or 19, made a determination that the case in respect of which surrender is sought is admissible and that determination takes into account the investigation or prosecution conducted by the requesting State in respect of its request for extradition; or

(b) The Court makes the determination described in subparagraph (a) pursuant to the requested State's notification under paragraph 1.

3. Where a determination under paragraph 2 (a) has not been made, the requested State may, at its discretion, pending the determination of the Court under paragraph 2 (b), proceed to deal with the request for extradition from the requesting State but shall not extradite the person until the Court has determined that the case is inadmissible. The Court's determination shall be made on an expedited basis.

4. If the requesting State is a State not Party to this Statute the requested State, if it is not under an international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, shall give priority to the request for surrender from the Court, if the Court has determined that the case is admissible.

5. Where a case under paragraph 4 has not been determined to be admissible by the Court, the requested State may, at its discretion, proceed to deal with the request for extradition from the requesting State.

6. In cases where paragraph 4 applies except that the requested State is under an existing international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State not Party to this Statute, the requested State shall determine whether to surrender the person to the Court or extradite the person to the requesting State. In making its decision, the requested State shall consider all the relevant factors, including but not limited to:

(a) The respective dates of the requests;

(b) The interests of the requesting State including, where relevant, whether the crime was committed in its territory and the nationality of the victims and of the person sought; and

(c) The possibility of subsequent surrender between the Court and the requesting State.

7. Where a State Party which receives a request from the Court for the surrender of a person also receives a request from any State for the extradition of the same person for conduct other than that which constitutes the crime for which the Court seeks the person's surrender:

(a) The requested State shall, if it is not under an existing international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, give priority to the request from the Court;

(b) The requested State shall, if it is under an existing international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, determine whether to surrender the person to the Court or to extradite the person to the requesting State. In making its decision, the requested State shall consider all the relevant factors, including but not limited to those set out in paragraph 6, but shall give special consideration to the relative nature and gravity of the conduct in question.

Where pursuant to a notification under this article, the Court has determined a case to be inadmissible, and subsequently extradition to the requesting State is refused, the requested State shall notify the Court of this decision.

Article 91 Contents of request for arrest and surrender

1. A request for arrest and surrender shall be made in writing. In urgent cases, a request may be made by any medium capable of delivering a written record, provided that the request shall be confirmed through the channel provided for in article 87, paragraph 1 (a).

2. In the case of a request for the arrest and surrender of a person for whom a warrant of arrest has been issued by the Pre-Trial Chamber under article 58, the request shall contain or be supported by:

(a) Information describing the person sought, sufficient to identify the person, and information as to that person's probable location;

(b) A copy of the warrant of arrest; and

(c) Such documents, statements or information as may be necessary to meet the requirements for the surrender process in the requested State, except that those requirements should not be more burdensome than those applicable to requests for extradition pursuant to treaties or arrangements between the requested State and other States and should, if possible, be less burdensome, taking into account the distinct nature of the Court.

3. In the case of a request for the arrest and surrender of a person already convicted, the request shall contain or be supported by:

(a) A copy of any warrant of arrest for that person;

(b) A copy of the judgement of conviction;

(c) Information to demonstrate that the person sought is the one referred to in the judgement of conviction; and

(d) If the person sought has been sentenced, a copy of the sentence imposed and, in the case of a sentence for imprisonment, a statement of any time already served and the time remaining to be served.

4. Upon the request of the Court, a State Party shall consult with the Court, either generally or with respect to a specific matter, regarding any requirements under its national law that may apply under paragraph 2 (c). During the consultations, the State Party shall advise the Court of the specific requirements of its national law.

Article 92 Provisional arrest

1. In urgent cases, the Court may request the provisional arrest of the person sought, pending presentation of the request for surrender and the documents supporting the request as specified in article 91.

2. The request for provisional arrest shall be made by any medium capable of delivering a written record and shall contain:

(a) Information describing the person sought, sufficient to identify the person, and information as to that person's probable location;

(b) A concise statement of the crimes for which the person's arrest is sought and of the facts which are alleged to constitute those crimes, including, where possible, the date and location of the crime;

(c) A statement of the existence of a warrant of arrest or a judgement of conviction against the person sought; and

(d) A statement that a request for surrender of the person sought will follow.

3. A person who is provisionally arrested may be released from custody if the requested State has not received the request for surrender and the documents supporting the request as specified in article 91 within the time limits specified in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. However, the person may consent to surrender before the expiration of this period if permitted by the law of the requested State. In such a case, the requested State shall proceed to surrender the person to the Court as soon as possible.

4. The fact that the person sought has been released from custody pursuant to paragraph 3 shall not prejudice the subsequent arrest and surrender of that person if the request for surrender and the documents supporting the request are delivered at a later date.