ARTÍCULO 485. SOLICITUDES DE COOPERACIÓN JUDICIAL A LAS AUTORIDADES EXTRANJERAS. Los jueces, fiscales y jefes de unidades de policía judicial podrán solicitar a autoridades extranjeras y organismos internacionales, directamente o por los conductos establecidos, cualquier tipo de elemento material probatorio o la práctica de diligencias que resulten necesarias, dentro del ámbito de sus competencias, para un caso que esté siendo investigado o juzgado en Colombia. Las autoridades concernidas podrán comunicarse directamente a fin de determinar la procedencia de las actuaciones relacionadas en la solicitud.
En la solicitud de asistencia se informará a la autoridad requerida los datos necesarios para su desarrollo, se precisarán los hechos que motivan la actuación, el objeto, elementos materiales probatorios, normas presuntamente violadas, identidad y ubicación de personas o bienes cuando ello sea necesario, así como las instrucciones que conviene observar por la autoridad extranjera y el término concedido para el diligenciamiento de la petición.
COLOMBIA - DECREE NUMBER 2764 OF 2002 (November 26) promulgating the “Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”
The President of the Republic of Colombia, by virtue of the powers granted to him under Article 189-2 of the Constitution of Colombia, and pursuant to Law 7 of 1944, and
That, on depositing the ratification instrument, the Government of the Republic of Colombia made the following statements:
Pursuant to Article 87 paragraph 1 a) and the first clause of paragraph 2 of the same article, the Government of Colombia states that requests for cooperation and assistance should be transmitted through the diplomatic channel and should either be in or be accompanied by a translation into Spanish",
(a) The Court shall have the authority to make requests to States Parties for cooperation. The requests shall be transmitted through the diplomatic channel or any other appropriate channel as may be designated by each State Party upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to the designation shall be made by each State Party in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
(b) When appropriate, without prejudice to the provisions of subparagraph (a), requests may also be transmitted through the International Criminal Police Organization or any appropriate regional organization.
2. Requests for cooperation and any documents supporting the request shall either be in or be accompanied by a translation into an official language of the requested State or one of the working languages of the Court, in accordance with the choice made by that State upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to this choice shall be made in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
3. The requested State shall keep confidential a request for cooperation and any documents supporting the request, except to the extent that the disclosure is necessary for execution of the request.
4. In relation to any request for assistance presented under this Part, the Court may take such measures, including measures related to the protection of information, as may be necessary to ensure the safety or physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families. The Court may request that any information that is made available under this Part shall be provided and handled in a manner that protects the safety and physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families.
(a) The Court may invite any State not party to this Statute to provide assistance under this Part on the basis of an ad hoc arrangement, an agreement with such State or any other appropriate basis.
(b) Where a State not party to this Statute, which has entered into an ad hoc arrangement or an agreement with the Court, fails to cooperate with requests pursuant to any such arrangement or agreement, the Court may so inform the Assembly of States Parties or, where the Security Council referred the matter to the Court, the Security Council.
6. The Court may ask any intergovernmental organization to provide information or documents. The Court may also ask for other forms of cooperation and assistance which may be agreed upon with such an organization and which are in accordance with its competence or mandate.
7. Where a State Party fails to comply with a request to cooperate by the Court contrary to the provisions of this Statute, thereby preventing the Court from exercising its functions and powers under this Statute, the Court may make a finding to that effect and refer the matter to the Assembly of States Parties or, where the Security Council referred the matter to the Court, to the Security Council.