

Brazil - Constitution 1988 (2019) EN

TITLE II Fundamental Rights and Guarantees
CHAPTER I Individual and Collective Rights and Duties
Article 5. All persons are equal before the law, without any distinction whatsoever, Brazilians and foreigners residing in the country being ensured of inviolability of the right to life, to liberty, to equality, to security and to property, on the following terms: (CA 45, 2004)
Li - no Brazilian shall be extradited, except the naturalized ones in the case of a common crime committed before naturalization, or in the case there is sufficient evidence of participation in the illicit traffic of narcotics and related drugs, under the terms of the law;
Lii – extradiction of a foreigner on the basis of politi¬cal or ideological crime shall not be granted

Rome Statute

Article 102 Use of terms

For the purposes of this Statute:

(b) "extradition" means the delivering up of a person by one State to another as provided by treaty, convention or national legislation.