

Constitution of Somalia

3.5.4: The War-Crimes Tribunal

The War-Crimes Tribunal will collect evidence and testimony concerning war crimes committed by the former socialist dictatorship in their programs of genocide and oppression of the Somali People that led to the War-of-Liberation between 1981 and 1991 as well as war crimes committed both during the War-of-Liberation and causing unnecessary starvation and deaths in the former Italian Somalia after January 1991. As sufficient evidence is available to open cases, the War-Crimes Tribunal may issue warrants for the arrest of suspected perpetrators of war crimes and initiate legal proceedings against them.

Rome Statute

Article 5 Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court

1. The jurisdiction of the Court shall be limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole. The Court has jurisdiction in accordance with this Statute with respect to the following crimes:

(a) The crime of genocide;