Statute of limitations - national proceedings

Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos)

Laos - Criminal Code 2017 EN

''Part I, Chapter 4, Prescription in Criminal Proceedings, And Exemption from Criminal Liabilities, Article 31 Prescription of Criminal Proceedings''

Prescription of criminal proceedings is the term for prosecution of criminal cases as provided for in this Penal Code. If the term has ended, then the prosecution of criminal cases shall not be possible.

Terms of prescription are as follows:

1. One (1) year for a minor offence;

2. Seven (7) years for a major offence; and

3. Fifteen (15) years for a crime.

Terms of prescription of criminal proceedings shall commence from the date when the offence is committed. Where a new offence is committed within the terms of earlier prescription of the offence, the terms of prescription shall start from the date that the new offence is committed. Where an offender escapes from custody, the terms of prescription shall commence from the date that the offender is presented to the court or is arrested. Article 32 Non-application of Terms of Prescription

Terms of prescription as stated in Article 31 of this Penal Code shall not apply to acts of genocide and crimes against national security as specified in Chapter 1 of Part II of this Penal Code, except offences for forgery of bank notes, use of forged bank notes and money laundering.

''Part I, Chapter 4, Prescription in Criminal Proceedings, And Exemption from Criminal Liabilities, Article 34 Expiration of Terms of Prescription''

The expiration of terms of prescription is the end of terms of prescription as defined in Article 31 of this Penal Code.

The expiration of the terms of prescription of criminal proceedings leads to the exemption of criminal liability.

''Part I, Chapter 10, Circumstances Conducive to the Exemption from Penalties, Suspension of the Penalty of
Deprivation of Liberty and Conditional Liberation before end of Term, Article 97, Limitation Period for the Execution of a Court's Judgment''

The sentences imposed by the court shall not be executed if they exceed the
following time limits:
1. One (1) year for minor offences;
2. Seven (7) years for major offences; and
3. Fifteen (15) years for crimes.
The time limit runs from the date that the court's sentence becomes final. In the
event that the offender commits a new offence, the time limit for the execution of the
court’s decision in respect of any previous unexecuted sentence shall re-start on the
that the second offence is committed. In the event that the offender evades their
sentence during the period where the sentence is still effective, then the time limit shall
be counted again from the date that the offender surrenders or is arrested.

Rome Statute

Article 29 Non-applicability of statute of limitations

The crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court shall not be subject to any statute of limitations.