
Bolivia, Plurinational State of

Bolivia - Military Criminal Code 1976 ES

ARTICULO 20°.- (Cómplices). Son cómplices:
1) Quienes de cualquier otro modo, facilitan o cooperan a la ejecución del hecho, en tal forma, que aún sin esa ayuda se habría cometido.
2) Quienes por promesas ayudan al agente, con posterioridad a la comisión del delito. Concuerda: C.P. 23.

Rome Statute

Article 25 Individual criminal responsibility

3. In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person:

(c) For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission;