

Maldives - Penal Code 1968 EN

General Explanations

5. Foreign Nationals who Commit an Offence under this Law

Where a foreign national arrives in the Maldives after committing an offence overseas and where the Government of the country in which such person is domiciled has not requested for his extradition, the Maldivian State shall have the competence on allegation of that offence, to arrest or detain him or deport him from the Maldives or to do everything that is possible to expel him from the Maldives where it is expedient for the purposes of preserving the interests of the Maldivian people or a section thereof.

Rome Statute

Article 102 Use of terms

For the purposes of this Statute:

(b) "extradition" means the delivering up of a person by one State to another as provided by treaty, convention or national legislation.