

Geneva Conventions Act


Grave breaches of scheduled Conventions
3. —(1) Any person, whatever his citizenship or nationality, who, whether in or outside Singapore, commits, aids, abets or procures the commission by any other person of any such grave breach of any scheduled Convention as is referred to in the following Articles respectively of those Conventions:

Penal Code

Chapter V — ABETMENT

Abetment of the doing of a thing
107. A person abets the doing of a thing who —
(a) instigates any person to do that thing;
(b) engages with one or more other person or persons in any conspiracy for the doing of that thing, if an act or illegal omission takes place in pursuance of that conspiracy, and in order to the doing of that thing; or
(c) intentionally aids, by any act or illegal omission, the doing of that thing.

Explanation 1.—A person who, by wilful misrepresentation, or by wilful concealment of a material fact which he is bound to disclose, voluntarily causes or procures, or attempts to cause or procure, a thing to be done, is said to instigate the doing of that thing.

A, a public officer, is authorised by a warrant from a court of justice to apprehend Z. B, knowing that fact and also that C is not Z, wilfully represents to A that C is Z, and thereby intentionally causes A to apprehend C. Here B abets by instigation the apprehension of C.

Explanation 2.—Whoever, either prior to or at the time of the commission of an act, does anything in order to facilitate the commission of that act, and thereby facilitates the commission thereof, is said to aid the doing of that act.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 107]

108. A person abets an offence who abets either the commission of an offence, or the commission of an act which would be an offence, if committed by a person capable by law of committing an offence with the same intention or knowledge as that of the abettor.

Explanation 1.—The abetment of the illegal omission of an act may amount to an offence, although the abettor may not himself be bound to do that act.

Explanation 2.—To constitute the offence of abetment, it is not necessary that the act abetted should be committed, or that the effect requisite to constitute the offence should be caused.

(a) A instigates B to murder C. B refuses to do so. A is guilty of abetting B to commit murder.
(b) A instigates B to murder D. B, in pursuance of the instigation, stabs D. D recovers from the wound. A is guilty of instigating B to commit murder.

Explanation 3.—It is not necessary that the person abetted should be capable by law of committing an offence, or that he should have the same guilty intention or knowledge as that of the abettor, or any guilty intention or knowledge.

(a) A, with a guilty intention, abets a child or a person of unsound mind to commit an act which would be an offence if committed by a person capable by law of committing an offence, and having the same intention as A. Here A, whether the act is committed or not, is guilty of abetting an offence.

(b) A, with the intention of murdering Z, instigates B, a child under 7 years of age, to do an act which causes Z’s death. B, in consequence of the abetment, does the act, and thereby causes Z’s death. Here, though B was not capable by law of committing an offence, A is liable to be punished in the same manner as if B had been capable by law of committing an offence and had committed murder, and he is therefore subject to the punishment of death.

(c) A instigates B to set fire to a dwelling-house. B, in consequence of the unsoundness of his mind, being incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is wrong or contrary to law, sets fire to the house in consequence of A’s instigation. B has committed no offence, but A is guilty of abetting the offence of setting fire to a dwelling-house, and is liable to the punishment provided for that offence.

(d) A, intending to cause a theft to be committed, instigates B to take property belonging to Z out of Z’s possession. A induces B to believe that the property belongs to A. B takes the property out of Z’s possession, in good faith believing it to be A’s property. B, acting under this misconception, does not take dishonestly, and therefore does not commit theft. But A is guilty of abetting theft, and is liable to the same punishment as if B had committed theft.

Explanation 4.—The abetment of an offence being an offence, the abetment of such an abetment is also an offence.

A instigates B to instigate C to murder Z. B accordingly instigates C to murder Z, and C commits that offence in consequence of B’s instigation. B isliable to be punished for his offence with the punishment for murder; and as A instigated B to commit the offence A is also liable to the same punishment.

Explanation 5.—It is not necessary to the commission of the offence of abetment by conspiracy that the abettor should concert the offence with the person who commits it. It is sufficient if he engages in the conspiracy in pursuance of which the offence is committed.

A concerts with B a plan for poisoning Z. It is agreed that A shall administer the poison. B then explains the plan to C, mentioning that a third person is to administer the poison, but without mentioning A’s name. C agrees to procure the poison, and procures and delivers it to B for the purpose of its being used in the manner explained. A administers the poison; Z dies in consequence. Here, though A and C have not conspired together, yet C has been engaged in the conspiracy in pursuance of which Z has been murdered. C has therefore committed the offence defined in this section, and is liable to the punishment for murder.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 108]

Abetment in Singapore of an offence outside Singapore
108A. A person abets an offence within the meaning of this Code who, in Singapore, abets the commission of any act without and beyond Singapore which would constitute an offence if committed in Singapore.

A, in Singapore, instigates B, a foreigner in Java, to commit murder in Java. A is guilty of abetting murder. [Indian PC 1860, s. 108A]

Abetment outside Singapore of an offence in Singapore
108B. A person abets an offence within the meaning of this Code who abets an offence committed in Singapore notwithstanding that any or all of the acts constituting the abetment were done outside Singapore.

Punishment of abetment if the act abetted is committed in consequence, and where no express provision is made for its punishment
109. Whoever abets any offence shall, if the act abetted is committed in consequence of the abetment, and no express provision is made by this Code for the punishment of such abetment, be punished with the punishment provided for the offence.

Explanation .—An act or offence is said to be committed in consequence of abetment, when it is committed in consequence of the instigation, or in pursuance of the conspiracy, or with the aid which constitutes the abetment.

(a) A offers a bribe to B, a public servant, as a reward for showing A some favour in the exercise of B’s official functions. B accepts the bribe. A has abetted the offence defined in section 161.

(b) A instigates B to give false evidence. B, in consequence of the instigation, commits that offence. A is guilty of abetting that offence, and is liable to the same punishment as B.

(c) A and B conspire to poison Z. A, in pursuance of the conspiracy, procures the poison and delivers it to B, in order that he may administer it to Z. B, in pursuance of the conspiracy, administers the poison to Z, in A’s absence and thereby causes Z’s death. Here B is guilty of murder. A is guilty of abetting that offence by conspiracy, and is liable to the punishment for murder.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 109]

Punishment of abetment if the person abetted does the act with a different intention from that of the abettor
110. Whoever abets the commission of an offence shall, if the person abetted does the act with a different intention or knowledge from that of the abettor, be punished with the punishment provided for the offence which would have been committed if the act had been done with the intention or knowledge of the abettor and with no other.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 110]

Liability of abettor when one act is abetted and a different act is done
111. When an act is abetted and a different act is done, the abettor is liable for the act done, in the same manner, and to the same extent, as if he had directly abetted it:

Provided the act done was a probable consequence of the abetment, and was committed under the influence of the instigation, or with the aid or in pursuance of the conspiracy which constituted the abetment.

(a) A instigates a child to put poison into the food of Z, and gives him poison for that purpose. The child, in consequence of the instigation, by mistake puts the poison into the food of Y, which is by the side of that of Z.
Here, if the child was acting under the influence of A’s instigation, and the act done was under the circumstances a probable consequence of the abetment, A is liable in the same manner, and to the same extent, as if he had instigated the child to put the poison into the food of Y.

(b) A instigates B to burn Z’s house. B sets fire to the house, and at the same time commits theft of property there. A, though guilty of abetting the burning of the house, is not guilty of abetting the theft; for the theft was a distinct act, and not a probable consequence of the burning.

(c) A instigates B and C to break into an inhabited house at midnight for the purpose of robbery, and provides them with arms for that purpose. B and C break into the house, and being resisted by Z, one of the inmates, murder Z. Here, if that murder was the probable consequence of the abetment, A is liable to the punishment provided for murder.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 111]

Abettor, when liable to cumulative punishment for act abetted and for act done
112. If the act for which the abettor is liable under section 111 is committed in addition to the act abetted, and constitutes a distinct offence, the abettor is liable to punishment for each of the offences.

A instigates B to resist by force a distress made by a public servant. B, in consequence, resists that distress. In offering the resistance, B voluntarily caused grievous hurt to the officer executing the distress. As B has committed both the offence of resisting the distress, and the offence of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, B is liable to punishment for both these offences; and if A knew that B was likely voluntarily to cause grievous hurt in resisting the distress, A will also be liable to punishment for each of the offences.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 112]

Liability of abettor for an offence caused by the act abetted different from that intended by the abettor
113. When an act is abetted with the intention on the part of the abettor of causing a particular effect, and an act for which the abettor is liable in consequence of the abetment causes a different effect from that intended by the abettor, the abettor is liable for the effect caused, in the same manner, and to the same extent, as if he had abetted the act with the intention of causing that effect, provided he knew that the act abetted was likely to cause that effect.

A instigates B to cause grievous hurt to Z. B, in consequence of the instigation, causes grievous hurt to Z. Z dies in consequence. Here, if A knew that the grievous hurt abetted was likely to cause death, A is liable to be punished with the punishment provided for murder.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 113]

Abettor present when offence committed
114. Whenever any person who, if absent, would be liable to be punished as an abettor, is present when the act or offence for which he would be punishable in consequence of the abetment is committed, he shall be deemed to have committed such act or offence.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 114]

Abetment of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life
115. Whoever abets the commission of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life, shall, if that offence is not committed in consequence of the abetment, and no express provision is
made by this Code for the punishment of such abetment, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, and shall also be liable to fine; and if any act for which the abettor is liable in consequence of the abetment, and which causes hurt to any person, is done, the abettor shall be liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to 14 years, and shall also be liable to fine.

A instigates B to murder Z. The offence is not committed. If B had murdered Z, he would have been subject to the punishment of death. Therefore, A is liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, and also to a fine; and if any hurt be done to Z in consequence of the abetment, he will be liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to 14 years, and to fine.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 115]

Abetment of an offence punishable with imprisonment
116. Whoever abets an offence punishable with imprisonment shall, if that offence is not committed in consequence of the abetment, and no express provision is made by this Code for the punishment of such abetment, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one-fourth part of the longest term provided for that offence, or with such fine as is provided for that offence, or with both; and if the abettor or the person abetted is a public servant, whose duty it is to prevent the commission of such offence, the abettor shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one-half of the longest term provided for that offence, or with such fine as is provided for that offence, or with both.

(a) A offers a bribe to B, a public servant, as a reward for showing A some favour in the exercise of B’s official functions. B refuses to accept the bribe. A is punishable under this section.

(b) A instigates B to give false evidence. Here, if B does not give false evidence, A has nevertheless committed the offence defined in this section, and is punishable accordingly.

(c) A, a police officer, whose duty it is to prevent robbery, abets the commission of robbery. Here, though the robbery is not committed, A is liable to one-half of the longest term of imprisonment provided for that offence, and also to fine.

(d) B abets the commission of a robbery by A, a police officer, whose duty it is to prevent that offence. Here, though the robbery is not committed, B is liable to one-half of the longest term of imprisonment provided for the offence of robbery, and also to fine.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 116]

Abetting the commission of an offence by the public or by more than 10 persons
117. Whoever abets the commission of an offence by the public generally, or by any number or class of persons exceeding 10, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 5 years, or with fine, or with both.

A, an employee at a worksite, affixes a placard at the worksite where more than 10 persons are employed. A instigates the workers to damage property at the worksite if their demand for a pay rise is not met. A has committed an offence under this section.

Concealing a design to commit an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life
118. Whoever, intending to facilitate, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby facilitate, the commission of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life, voluntarily conceals, by any act or illegal omission, the existence of a design to commit such offence, or makes any representation which he knows to be false respecting such design, shall, if that offence is committed, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, or, if the offence is not committed, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years: and, in either case, shall also be liable to fine.

A, knowing that a gang-robbery is about to be committed at B, falsely informs the police that a gang-robbery is about to be committed at C, a place in an opposite direction, and thereby misleads the police with intent to facilitate the commission of the offence. The gang-robbery is committed at B in pursuance of the design. A is punishable under this section.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 118]

A public servant concealing a design to commit an offence which it is his duty to prevent
119. Whoever, being a public servant, intending to facilitate, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby facilitate, the commission of an offence, the commission of which it is his duty as such public servant to prevent, voluntarily conceals, by any act or illegal omission, the existence of a design to commit such offence, or makes any representation which he knows to be false respecting such design, shall, if the offence is committed, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one-half of the longest term provided for that offence, or with such fine as is provided for that offence, or with both; or, if the offence is punishable with death or imprisonment for life, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 15 years, and also be liable to fine; or if the offence is not committed, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one-fourth part of the longest term provided for that offence, or with such fine as is provided for that offence, or with both; or, if the offence not committed is punishable with death or imprisonment for life, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, and also be liable to fine.

A, an officer of police, being legally bound to give information of all designs to commit robbery which may come to his knowledge, and knowing that B designs to commit robbery, omits to give such information, with intent to facilitate the commission of that offence. Here A has by an illegal omission concealed the existence of B’s design, and is liable to punishment according to this section.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 119]

Concealing a design to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment
120. Whoever, intending to facilitate, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby facilitate, the commission of an offence punishable with imprisonment, voluntarily conceals, by any act or illegal omission, the existence of a design to commit such offence, or makes any representation which he knows to be false respecting such design, shall, if the offence is committed, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one-fourth, and if the offence is not committed, to one-eighth of the longest term provided for that offence; or with such fine as is provided for the offence, or with both.
[Indian PC 1860, s. 120]

Rome Statute

Article 25 Individual criminal responsibility

3. In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person:

(c) For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission;