2.3. Accessory in crime Joint perpetration
Article 24
(1) A person who with intent assists in the perpetration of a crime, shall be punished as if he had committed the crime himself, and he may be punished more leniently.
(2) As accessory to perpetrating a crime shall be considered especially : giving advice or instructions how to commit the crime ; making available to the offender means for committing the crime; removal of hindrances for perpetrating the crime ; as well as giving promise in advance for covering up the crime, the offender, the means with which the crime was perpetrated, the traces of the crimes or the objects obtained through the crime.
Organizing group and urging for commitment of genocide and war crimes
Article 416-a
(1) One who will organize a group with an intention to commit crimes stipulated in the articles 403 through 416, shall be sentenced with imprisonment of at least eight years.
(2) One who will become a member of the group stipulated in paragraph 1, shall be sentenced with imprisonment of at least four years.
(3) Member of the group stipulated in the paragraph 2, who will disclose the group before he/she commits crime as its member or in its behalf, shall be pardoned.
(4) One that calls on or urges for commitment of the crimes stipulated in the articles 403 through 416, shall be sentenced with imprisonment of one to ten years.
''GENERAL PART, 2. CRIME AND CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY, 3. Accessory in crime, Accessory,
Article 24''
(2) As accessory to perpetrating a crime shall be considered especially: giving
advice or instructions how to commit the crime; making available to the
perpetrator means for committing the crime; removal of hindrances for perpetrating
the crime; as well as giving promise in advance for covering up the crime, the
perpetrator, the means with which the crime was perpetrated, the traces of the
crimes or the objects obtained through the crime.
''GENERAL PART, 2. CRIME AND CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY, 3. Accessory in crime, Limits of criminal responsibility and possibility of punishing the accomplices, Article 25''
(1) The joint perpetrator is criminally responsible within the limits of his intent
or negligence, and the instigator and accessory - within the limits of their intent.
''GENERAL PART, 2. CRIME AND CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY, Place of perpetration of a crime
Article 31''
(3) An accessory act shall be considered to have been committed both at the place
where theperpetrator or the co-conspirator acted and at the place where an
accomplice acted or was supposed
''Abuse of international signs, Article 416''
1) A person who abuses or without authorization carries the flag or the sign of the
United Nations Organization, or the signs or flag of the Red Cross, or signs that
correspond to them, international telecommunication signs, signs of cultural heritage or
other acknowledged international signs with which certain facilities are marked, shall be
punished with imprisonment of three months to three years.
2) The punishment from paragraph (1) shall also apply to the person that by misusing a
ceasefire flag, military signs or an enemy’s uniform shall instigate death or grievous
bodily harm to another person.
(3) A person, who commits the crime from paragraphs 1 and 2 in a zone of military
operations, shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to five years
Organizing a group and instigating genocide and war crimes Article 416-a
(1) The One who organizes a group for performing crimes from Article 403 to 416 shall be punished with imprisonment of up to eight years.
2) The One who shall become member of the group from paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment of at least four years.
3) The Member of the group from paragraph (2), who shall disclose the group before the crime was committed, shall be acquitted of punishment.
4) The one who provokes or instigates on performance of crimes from Article 403 to 416 shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years.
3. In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person:
(c) For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission;