Enforcement of national penalties - fines


Azerbaijan - Criminal Code (EN) 1999

General provision



Article 44. Penalty

44.1. The penalty is a monetary collecting appointed by court in circumstances and fine amounts, provided by the present Code.

44.2. The penalty is appointed at a rate of from hundred up to five thousand of nominal financial unit, established by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, in view of seriousness of the crime and a property status of the sentenced.

44.3. The penalty as an additional kind of punishment can be appointed by courts only in the cases provided by appropriate articles of the Especial part of the present Code.

44.4. To persons, who are deliberately evade from payment of the fine, fine can be replaced with public works, corrective works or imprisonment with the certain term.

Azerbaijan - Criminal Code 1999 (amend 2018) (EN)

''Section III. About punishment Chapter 9. Concept, purposes of punishment and kinds of punishments Article 44. Penalty''

44.1. The penalty is a monetary collecting appointed by court in circumstances and fine amounts, provided by the present Code.

44.2. The penalty shall be fixed at a rate of up to twenty thousand manats or from one-fold to ten-fold amount of damage (gained income), caused as a result of crime with regard to the seriousness of the crime and a property status of the convicted.

44.3. The penalty as an additional kind of punishment can be appointed by courts only in the cases provided by appropriate articles of the Special part of the present Code.

44.4. To persons, who are deliberately evade from payment of the fine, fine can be replaced with public works, corrective works, restraint of freedom () or imprisonment with the certain term. (, , , , , , ).

Rome Statute

Article 109 Enforcement of fines and forfeiture measures

1. States Parties shall give effect to fines or forfeitures ordered by the Court under Part 7, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties, and in accordance with the procedure of their national law.

2. If a State Party is unable to give effect to an order for forfeiture, it shall take measures to recover the value of the proceeds, property or assets ordered by the Court to be forfeited, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties.

3. Property, or the proceeds of the sale of real property or, where appropriate, the sale of other property, which is obtained by a State Party as a result of its enforcement of a judgement of the Court shall be transferred to the Court.