

Azerbaijan - Criminal Code (EN) 1999

General provision



Article 32. Kinds of accomplice

32.5. The person assisting by advice, instructions, granting of the information, means or instruments in committing a crime or by removal of obstacles, and also the person, beforehand promising to hide a criminal, means or instruments of fulfillment a crime, traces of a crime or the subjects extracted in the criminal way, and person beforehand promising to get or sell such subjects as well, shall be admitted as the helper.

Azerbaijan - Criminal Code 1999 (amend 2018) (EN)

''Section II. Chapter 7. Accomplice Article 32. Kinds of accomplice''
32.1. Alongside with the executor as accomplice of a crime shall be admitted also organizer, instigator and helper.
32.2. The person, who has directly committed a crime or directly participating in its committing together with other persons (joint committing), and also the person who has committed a crime by use of other persons, not determined to the criminal liability by virtue of the circumstances provided by the present Code, shall be admitted as the executor.
32.3. The person, who has organized committing of a crime or supervising its execution, and created organized group or criminal community (criminal organization) or supervising them as well, shall be admitted as the organizer

32.4. The person, who has declined other person to committing a crime by an arrangement, payoff, and threat or in other ways, shall be admitted as the instigator.

32.5. The person assisting by advice, instructions, granting of the information, means or instruments in committing a crime or by removal of obstacles, and also the person, beforehand promising to hide a criminal, means or instruments of fulfilment of a crime, traces of a crime or cash assets or any other property, obtained in the criminal way, and person beforehand promising to purchase such cash assets or other property, possess, use or dispose of them, shall be admitted as the helper. ()

Rome Statute

Article 25 Individual criminal responsibility

3. In accordance with this Statute, a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person:

(c) For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission;