

Criminal Procedure Code No. 301/2005 Coll. - Part Five: Legal Relations with Abroad


Division one
Requesting extradition

Section 489

(1) The Ministry of Justice may request extradition of an accused1 from another State on the basis of the request by the court which issued a warrant of arrest under Article 490.

(2) The Ministry of Justice may refrain from making the request if extradition from abroad cannot be expected. It shall inform to this effect the court which issued the warrant of arrest under Article 490.

Section 490

(1) If the accused stays abroad and if his extradition is necessary, the presiding judge of the competent court shall issue a warrant of arrest (hereinafter referred to as the “international warrant of arrest”). In the pre-trial, the judge for preparatory proceedings shall issue the international warrant of arrest upon a motion by the prosecutor. The international warrant of arrest has, on the territory of the Slovak Republic, the same effects as a warrant of arrest.

(2) The court shall issue an international warrant of arrest in particular if :

a) by residing abroad the accused avoids his criminal prosecution and it is not possible to secure his personal appearance in the criminal proceeding, or
b) the sentenced person stays abroad and does not submit himself to the enforcement of the imposed prison sentence despite the fact that he was duly served the order to do so, or if by residing abroad he avoids the enforcement of the final prison sentence or of its remainder.

(3) An international warrant of arrest for the purposes of extradition of an accused shall contain :

a) the name and surname of the accused, the date a place of his birth, his nationality, his place of permanent residence in the Slovak Republic and other available data facilitating his identification, including his description and photograph, or information on his place of residence abroad,
b) the legal qualification of the criminal offence with reference to the applicable legal provisions and the description of the facts providing the exact time, place and manner of its commission,
c) the verbatim wording of the applicable legal provisions including the sanction which can be imposed, as well as the legal provisions relating to prescription, and
d) if a period longer than three years has passed between the commission of the offence and the issuance of the international warrant of arrest, the description of actions influencing the run of the prescription.

(4) An international warrant of arrest for the purposes of extradition of a sentenced person shall, in addition to the information referred to in paragraph 3 lit. a/ to c/, contain

a) details of the court imposing the sentence and of the sanction imposed, and
b) if the judgement was issued in the proceedings against a fugitive from justice or in absentia, information on how the rights of defence of the accused were guaranteed in the proceedings as well as the wording of the provision of Article 496.

(5) The original or an authenticated copy of the relevant judgement with the finality clause shall be appended to the warrant of arrest under paragraph 4.

(6) If more than three years lapsed between commission of an offence or final conviction and issuing of the international warrant of arrest, acts directed to criminal prosecution of the person or enforcement of the imposed sentence shall be included in the warrant of arrest or in its separate attachment.

(7) The international warrant of arrest shall bear the signature of the judge who issued it and the round seal of the court. If in relation to the requested State a translation of the international warrant of arrest into a foreign language is required, the court shall attach to it a translation made by an official translator. If extradition for the enforcement of a sentence is requested, the same shall apply to the translation of the judgement.

(8) If the surrender of the extradited person shall necessitate his transit through the territory of another State or States, the court shall submit the documents to the Ministry of Justice in the required number of copies and with translations into the required foreign languages.

Section 491

An international warrant of arrest shall become null and void by

a) the surrender of the extradited person to the court under section 494 paragraph 1 or to the court which issued the warrant of arrest under section 73 paragraph 1,
b) revocation ; The court which issued the international warrant of arrest shall revoke it if the reasons for which it was issued no longer exist or if consequently finds out that the reasons did not exist ; if the international warrant of arrest was issued upon the motion by the prosecutor, the court shall revoke it upon his motion,
c) issuing of the new international warrant of arrest in the same criminal matter.

(2) After filing an indictment in the criminal matter in which an international warrant of arrest was issued, the court which the indictment was filed with, shall issue a new international warrant of arrest, if the reasons for its issuing remain. Otherwise it shall revoke the warrant of arrest issued in pre-trial proceedings. The same procedure shall be followed if during the criminal proceedings the subject matter jurisdiction or territorial jurisdiction of the court changes.

(3) Revocation of the international warrant of arrest does not exclude issuing of a new warrant of arrest in the same criminal matter.

(4) The court shall immediately inform the Ministry of Justice and prosecution office of a revocation or issuing of a new international warrant of arrest.

Section 492

(1) The court shall not issue an international warrant of arrest, if

a) imposition of only a sentence other than a prison sentence is anticipated or if a prison sentence shorter than 4 months is anticipated,
b) the prison sentence, or its remainder, to be enforced is shorter than 4 months,
c) by the extradition the Slovak Republic would incur expenses or suffer consequences incommensurate to the public interest in the criminal prosecution, or the enforcement of the sentence, of the person to be extradited,
d) taking into account the age, social status or family circumstances of the person whose extradition is sought, he would be inadequately severely punished by his extradition in proportion to the level of gravity and the consequences of the criminal offence.

(2) If some of the facts stated in paragraph 1 occur after issuing of the international warrant of arrest, the court may revoke it.

Section 493

(1) In a case of urgency, the Ministry of Justice or the court having jurisdiction to issue an international warrant of arrest may request the foreign authorities to arrange for the provisional arrest of the accused. In the pre-trial period, the court shall proceed in this manner upon a motion by the prosecutor. Such request shall contain the information specified in Article 490 par. 3 lit. a/ and b/ as well as a statement that an international warrant of arrest has been or will be issued against the accused and that his extradition will subsequently be requested.

(2) The court shall promptly inform the Ministry of Justice that it made such a request and submit to the Ministry an international warrant of arrest issued under section 490.

Section 494

(1) The police shall surrender the extradited person without delay to the court whose judge issued the international warrant of arrest. If the person is being extradited on the basis of several international warrants of arrest emanating from different courts, the person shall be surrendered to the court designated by the Ministry of Justice. If the enforcement of the prison sentence for which the person was extradited has already been ordered, the person shall be surrendered to the competent prison facility.

(2) Unless the person was extradited to serve a sentence, the judge shall hear the accused within 48 hours, and in cases of extremely grave offences within 72 hours, of his surrender and decide on his custody.

(3) The time spent in transit to the territory of the Slovak Republic shall not be counted against the deadlines provided for in Article 77 paragraph 1. The decision to this effect shall be made by the court and in the pre-trial by a judge for pre-trial proceedings upon a motion by the prosecutor.

(4) The time specified in paragraph 3 shall, however, be deduced from the length of the sentence to be served in the Slovak Republic.

Section 495

(1) If the requested State granted extradition of a person while making a reservation, such reservation must be honoured.

(2) If the requested State extradites a person for criminal prosecution in the Slovak Republic under condition that the Slovak authorities allow to execute potential sentence imposed by the Slovak court on the territory of the requested State, ministry of justice cannot in that case refuse to give a consent to transfer under Article 523 para. 1. Provision of the Article 523 para. 2 shall not be used.

(3) If the extradition of the person was requested or granted for the enforcement of the prison sentence only in respect of some of the several criminal offences for which a concurrent or combined sentence had been imposed, the court in a public hearing shall determine the sentence proportionate to the criminal offences for which extradition was granted.

(4) If the requested State granted extradition of a person for the enforcement of a prison sentence imposed in a final judgement while making a reservation in respect of the proceedings preceding such a judgement, the court in a public hearing shall hear the extradited person and

a) if the extradited person does not object against the enforcement of the imposed sentence, it shall order the enforcement of the judgement, or
b) if the extradited person objects against the enforcement, it shall annul the judgement and rule at the same time on custody. If it is necessary to gather further evidence, the court may return the case to the prosecutor for further investigation. Otherwise, the court, after its decision became final, shall continue the criminal proceeding on the basis of the original indictment.

(5) The court which adjudicated the case in the first instance shall have jurisdiction to conduct the proceedings provided for in paragraph 4.

(6) An appeal against the decision under paragraph 4 lit. b/ shall be admissible and, with the exception of the ruling on custody, it shall have a postponing effect.

Rule of speciality

Section 496

(1) The criminal prosecution shall not be conducted against extradited person for other criminal offences committed before his extradition than for the offences for which the person was extradited.

(2) Paragraph 1 shall not be used if

a) after his release from the custody or the prison sentence, he remains in the territory of the Slovak Republic for a period longer than 15 days in spite of the fact that he had an opportunity to leave,
b) he leaves the territory of the Slovak Republic and voluntarily returns or is lawfully returned there from a third State,
c) the requested State waives the application of the rule of speciality, or grants additional consent for criminal prosecution for the other criminal offences, or
d) the person to be extradited waives expressly, in the course of extradition proceedings, the application of the rule of speciality in general or in respect of specific offences committed before the extradition.

(3) Paragraph 1 does not prevent the Slovak authorities to take measures which interrupt the passing of the period of limitation.

(4) If the extradited person did not waive the application of the rule of speciality under paragraph 2 lit. d/ and if an international treaty so allows, the court which issued the international warrant of arrest shall hear the person in the presence of his defence counsel and advise him of the possibility of his waiver of the rule of speciality and the consequences thereof. The consent of the extradited person to waive the application of the rule of speciality shall be recorded by the court in a protocol which shall include the specification of the offences in respect of which the waiver was made.

(5) A request by the extraditing State for the transfer of criminal proceedings in respect of criminal offences committed in its territory prior to the extradition shall be construed as its additional consent under paragraph 2, lit. c/. The same applies to laying of information by the requested State which may lead to criminal prosecution.

(6) Submission of a request to the requested State for the purposes of granting additional consent for the purposes of criminal prosecution for offences not included in the original request for extradition shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the provisions of Articles 489 and 490.

(7) The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 and 6 shall be applied mutatis mutandis also to cases of enforcement of a prison sentence which was imposed on the extradited person by the court of the Slovak Republic (henceforward “the Slovak court”) before his extradition and which was not object of the original request for extradition.

Section 497

(1) If after the granting of extradition the requested State does not surrender the extradited person to the territory of the Slovak Republic due to the fact that the person is being prosecuted by the authorities of that State or that he must serve a prison sentence imposed by the authorities of that State in respect of criminal offences other than those which were the object of the request for extradition, the court whose judge issued the international warrant of arrest may ask the Ministry of Justice to request the temporary surrender of the extradited person to the territory of the Slovak Republic in order to carry out procedural acts necessary for the completion of the criminal proceedings.

(2) The motion which the court submits to the Ministry of Justice shall specify the procedural acts for which the presence of the extradited person is necessary. It shall also specify the date or the period of time for which the personal appearance shall be arranged.

(3) The provisions of Article 550 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the arrangements for the temporary surrender of the extradited person.

Division Two

Section 498
Extradition abroad

(1) The requests by foreign authorities for extradition of a person from the Slovak Republic shall be submitted to the Ministry of Justice.

(2) The request shall be submitted in writing and shall be supported by

a) the original or an authenticated copy of the sentence, warrant of arrest or another order having equal effect,
b) a description of the criminal offences for which extradition is requested, including the date and place of their commission and their legal qualification,
c) the wording of the applicable legal provisions of the requesting State.

(3) If the request was not supported by the documents or information specified in paragraph 2 or if the information provided is insufficient, the Ministry of Justice shall request additional information and may impose a deadline for its provision.

Section 499
Extraditable offences

(1) Extradition shall be admissible if the act for which extradition is requested is a criminal offence under the law of the Slovak Republic and is punishable under the same law by a maximum prison sentence of at least one year.

(2) Extradition for the purposes of the enforcement of a prison sentence imposed for the criminal offence specified in paragraph 1 shall be admissible if the sentence imposed or the remainder to be served is at least 4 months. Several sentences or non-served remainders of several sentences shall be added up.

Section 500
Accessory extradition

If the foreign authority requested extradition for several acts at least one of which fulfils the conditions set down in Article 499 paragraph 1, extradition shall also be admissible for criminal prosecution of other criminal offences, or enforcement of prison sentences, for which extradition would otherwise be inadmissible due to insufficient sanction or the remainder of the sentence.

Section 501
Inadmissibility of extradition

Extradition shall be inadmissible if :

a) it concerns a Slovak national, unless the obligation to extradite own nationals is contained in an international treaty or a decision of an international organisation which is binding for the Slovak Republic,
b) it concerns a person who applied in the Slovak Republic for a refugee status or who was granted such a status, to the extent of the protection provided to such persons by a separate act or by an international treaty,
c) the criminal prosecution or the enforcement of the sentence are prescribed under the law of the Slovak Republic,
d) the offence, for which the extradition is requested, is a criminal offence only under legal
system of the requesting State, but not under legal system of the Slovak Republic ,
e) the criminal offence for which extradition is requested is solely of a political or military nature,
f) the criminal offence was committed in the territory of the Slovak Republic, unless, due to the specific circumstances of the commission of the offence, priority shall be given to the criminal prosecution in the requesting State, for reasons of establishment of the facts, the degree of punishment or the enforcement of the sentence,
g) the person has already been finally convicted or released by the Slovak court for the offence, for which the extradition is requested, or
h) the person whose extradition is requested would not, under the law of the Slovak Republic, be considered criminally responsible at the time of the commission of the offence or there are other factors excluding his criminal responsibility.

Section 502
Preliminary investigation

(1) Preliminary investigation shall be conducted by the prosecutor of a regional prosecution office, to whom the ministry of justice forwarded the request by a foreign authority for extradition abroad, or in whose district the person to be extradited to the requesting State was arrested or lives. If the preliminary investigation was opened before delivery of the request for extradition the prosecutor informs about it immediately the ministry of justice.

(2) The goal of a preliminary investigation is to determine whether conditions for the admissibility of extradition are met.

(3) During the extradition proceedings the person whose extradition is sought shall be represented by a defence counsel.

(4) The prosecutor shall hear the person and inform him about the content of the extradition request. He shall serve on the person a copy of the request and the sentence, the international warrant of arrest or any other order on which the request is based.

(5) If the person whose extradition is sought was placed in provisional arrest or in custody pending extradition, his contacts with his defence counsel and attorney, the correspondence in custody and visits in custody shall be governed mutatis mutandis by the regulations relating to the enforcement of custody.

Section 503
Simplified extradition proceedings

(1) The prosecutor shall advise the person whose extradition is sought, during his hearing in the course of the preliminary investigation, of the possibility of simplified extradition proceedings should the person give his consent to extradition, about the consequences of such a consent, and of the possibility to withdraw such a consent as long as the Minister of Justice did not grant extradition.

(2) If the person whose extradition is sought gives his consent to extradition, the prosecutor shall advice him also of the possibility to waive the application of the rule of speciality and of the consequences of such a waiver.

(3) If the person whose extradition is sought gives his consent to extradition, the prosecutor in the presence of the person’s defence counsel shall record the person’s consent to extradition in a protocol as well as the person’s statement whether he waives or not, and to what extent, the application of the rule of speciality.

(4) If the person whose extradition is sought gives his consent to extradition, the prosecutor shall, after the conclusion of the preliminary investigation, submit a motion to the court for the person to be taken into custody pending extradition (Article 506 par. 2) and subsequently submit the case to the Ministry of Justice together with a proposal for a decision. The provision of Article 509 shall not be applied.

(5) If the person whose extradition is sought withdraws his consent any time prior to the decision by the Minister of Justice, the case shall be submitted after the conclusion of the preliminary investigation to the court for a decision under Article 509.

(6) Even if the person whose extradition is sought gave his consent to extradition, the Minister of Justice may, before taking his decision on extradition, submit the case to the court for a decision under Article 509.

Section 504

(1) Upon a request by the foreign authorities, the prosecutor responsible for conducting the preliminary investigation may order the police to detain the person whose extradition will be requested by the foreign authorities. The prosecutor shall not be bound by the grounds for custody specified in Article 71.

(2) The person being sought by foreign authorities for extradition may be arrested by a police upon prior consent of the prosecutor. Without such a consent the person may be arrested only in cases of urgency and if there is no possibility to obtain such a consent in advance.

(3) Detention shall be immediately reported to the prosecutor. If the prosecutor does not order the release of the detained person within 48 hours of his detention, he shall submit, within the same deadline, a motion to the court for the person to be taken into provisional arrest or into custody pending extradition.

Section 505
Provisional arrest

(1) The presiding judge of the Regional Court shall within 48 hours of the person’s surrender decide upon the motion by the prosecutor on the provisional arrest of the detained person. He shall not be bound by the grounds for custody specified in Article 71. Should the presiding judge not place the detained person under provisional arrest within the deadline, he shall order his release.

(2) The Regional Court in whose territory the person resides or is detained shall have jurisdiction in the proceedings under paragraph 1.

(3) The purpose of the provisional arrest is to secure the presence of the arrested person on the territory of the Slovak Republic until the State which has an interest in his extradition, submits the request for his extradition under Article 498.

(4) The provisional arrest may not exceed the period of 40 days from the moment of the person’s detention. The presiding judge of a panel of the Regional Court may, upon a motion by the prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation, decide to release the person from provisional arrest.

(5) If during the course of the provisional arrest the request for extradition by the foreign authorities was submitted, the ministry of justice shall notify to this effect the prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation. Upon the prosecutor’s motion the presiding judge of a panel may place the person in custody pending extradition if the conditions specified in Article 506 paragraph 1 are met.

(6) The release of the person from the provisional arrest shall not preclude his repeated placement in the provisional arrest or his being placed in custody pending extradition.

Custody pending extradition

Section 506

(1) If it is necessary to prevent the escape of the person whose extradition is sought, the presiding judge of a panel of the Regional Court shall place him in custody. He shall rule to this effect upon a motion by the prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation.

(2) If the person whose extradition is sought gives his consent to extradition or if his extradition was declared admissible, the Regional Court shall place the person in custody pending extradition, unless this had already been done by the presiding judge earlier under paragraph 1.

(3) The presiding judge of a panel of the Regional Court shall order the release of the person from the custody pending extradition as of the day of his surrender to the foreign authorities, at the latest by the 60th day from the decision of the Minister of Justice granting extradition ; in the case set out in Article 507 by the 60th day from the commencement of the custody pending extradition at the latest, provided the decision by the Minister of Justice granting extradition was taken before that date. In addition he shall order the release from the custody pending extradition if

a) the requesting State withdrew its request,
b) the extradition was declared inadmissible by the Supreme Court or if the Minister of Justice refused to grant extradition,
c) the grounds for custody, extradition or the surrender ceased for other reasons.

Section 507

(1) If the person whose extradition is sought is already in custody in connection with criminal prosecution conducted by the Slovak authorities or serving a prison sentence imposed by a final judgement issued by the Slovak court, the court shall take that person into custody pending extradition, but the execution of such custody shall remain suspended.

(2) If the grounds for custody or the prison sentence under paragraph 1 cease to exist, the suspension of the execution of the ordered custody shall be lifted and the person whose extradition is sought shall be placed in custody pending extradition.

(3) The Regional Court in whose territory the person whose extradition is sought is in custody or serving the sentence shall have jurisdiction in the proceedings under paragraph 1.

(4) The prosecutor specified in Article 502 paragraph 1 shall conduct the preliminary investigation in the case provided for in paragraph 1.

Section 508

(1) An appeal shall be admissible against the decision on custody under Articles 505, 506 paragraph 1 and 507, but it shall have no postponing effect.

(2) The court shall inform the ministry of justice about all decisions concerning the custody.

Section 509
Court decision

(1) After the conclusion of the preliminary investigation the court shall decide upon the motion of the prosecutor on the admissibility of extradition and shall subsequently submit the case to the Ministry of Justice after the decision become final.

(2) The Regional Court which took the decision on provisional arrest or custody pending extradition shall have jurisdiction to conduct the proceedings under paragraph 1; if no decision on provisional arrest or custody pending extradition was taken, the Regional Court in whose district the person whose extradition is sought resides shall have jurisdiction.

(3) The court shall decide on the admissibility of extradition in a closed hearing. Before giving its decision, the court shall enable the person whose extradition is sought and his defence counsel to make a written statement on the request for extradition. If the person or his counsel in the statement so request, or if the court itself finds it necessary, it shall take its decision on admissibility of extradition in a public hearing.

(4) An appeal solely on one of the grounds of inadmissibility of extradition under Article 501 by the prosecutor or by the person whose extradition is sought shall be admissible against the decision of the Regional Court on admissibility of extradition ; the appeal shall have a postponing effect. The decision of inadmissibility shall be subject to an appeal solely by the prosecutor and such appeal shall have a postponing effect.

(5) The appeal shall the decided upon by the Supreme Court. An appellate court in a closed hearing shall dismiss the appeal if it finds the appeal unsubstantiated. If it upholds the appeal, it shall revoke the appealed decision and after taking additional evidence, if necessary, it shall itself decide by a resolution, whether the extradition is admissible or not. Article 506 paragraph 2 shall be applicable mutatis mutandis .

Section 510
Granting of extradition

(1) The Minister of Justice shall have the authority to grant extradition; he may not grant extradition if either the Regional Court or the Supreme Court under Article 509 found that extradition was inadmissible.

(2) If the court found the extradition admissible, the Minister of Justice may decide not to grant extradition if :

a) there is reasonable ground to believe that the criminal proceedings in the requesting State did not or would not comply with the principles of Articles 3 and 6 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms or that the prison sentence imposed or anticipated in the requesting State would not be executed in accordance with the requirements of Article 3 of the said Convention,
b) there is reasonable ground to believe that the person whose extradition is sought would in the requesting State be subjected to persecution for reasons of his origin, race, religion, association with a particular national minority or class, his nationality or political opinions or that due to these factors his status in the criminal proceedings or in the enforcement of the sentence would be prejudiced,
c) taking into account the age and personal circumstances of the person whose extradition is sought, he would most likely be inadequately severely punished by extradition in proportion to the level of gravity of the criminal offence he allegedly committed,
d) in the case of the criminal offence, for which the extradition is requested, the capital punishment may be imposed in the requesting State, unless the requesting State gives a guarantee to the effect that the capital punishment will not be imposed, or
e) requesting State requests the extradition in order to execute capital punishment.

(3) If the minister of justice does not allow the extradition to proceed, the ministry of justice shall submit the matter to the General Prosecution Office in order to commence criminal prosecution in compliance with the legal order of the Slovak Republic.

Section 511
Postponement of surrender or temporary surrender

(1) If the presence of the person whose extradition is sought is necessary in the Slovak Republic for the purposes of termination of the criminal prosecution or the enforcement of the prison sentence for criminal offences other than those which are the object of the extradition request, the Minister of Justice may, after granting extradition, postpone the surrender of the person to the requesting State.

(2) The Minister of Justice may authorise a temporary surrender of the person to the requesting State for the purpose of carrying out necessary procedural acts. The temporary surrender may be repeated.

(3) The provisions of Articles 545 paragraph 2 lit. b/ to d/, 546 paragraph 2 and 547 shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the cases of temporary surrender.

(4) If during the temporary surrender the person was sentenced in the territory of the requesting State by a final judgement for the criminal offence for which extradition was granted, the Minister of Justice may decide, upon a request by the requesting State, to
postpone the return of the person to the territory of the Slovak Republic until the person will have terminated serving the imposed prison sentence in the territory of the requesting State. Such decision may not be taken if the criminal prosecution in the Slovak Republic was not effectively terminated.

(5) The time the person spent in custody during the temporary surrender abroad shall be counted against the length of the sentence carried out in the territory of the Slovak Republic to the extent in which it had not been counted against the length of the sentence carried out in the territory of the requesting State. The time spent serving the sentence imposed in the requesting State shall not be counted against the length of the sentence carried out in the Slovak Republic.

Section 512
Concurrent extradition requests

(1) If several States submitted their requests for the extradition of the same person to the Slovak authorities, the conditions of admissibility shall be established in respect of each of the States separately.

(2) If the court decided that extradition was admissible to several States, or if the person whose extradition is sought gave his consent to extradition to several States, the Minister of Justice when granting the extradition shall decide also to which State the person shall be surrendered first.

Section 513
Waiver of enforcement of remainder of sentence

(1) The Minister of Justice may waive the enforcement of the prison sentence or its remainder when he grants extradition of a sentenced person. If subsequently the extradition is not effected, the court shall rule that the sentence or its remainder shall be enforced.

(2) An appeal against the decision of the court under paragraph 1 shall admissible.

Section 514
Additional consent and consent to re-extradition

(1) The provisions of this Section shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to the request by the State of extradition to be given consent to :

a) prosecute the person for a different offence or to enforce a different prison sentence than the one for which extradition had been granted,
b) extradite the person to a third State for criminal prosecution or execution of a sentence.

(2) The authorities which proceeded on the original extradition request shall have jurisdiction to proceed on the new request.

(3) The simplified extradition proceedings under Article 503 shall not be admissible.

(4) The court shall always decide on the admissibility of extradition in a closed hearing. The court acts in the matter together with the defence counsel of the requested person and delivers all documents to him. An appeal against the decision on admissibility of extradition may be lodged by the defence counsel.

Rome Statute

Article 102 Use of terms

For the purposes of this Statute:

(b) "extradition" means the delivering up of a person by one State to another as provided by treaty, convention or national legislation.