Obligation to cooperate


Act No. 65 of 15 June 2001 relating to the implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court of 17 July 1998 (the Rome Statute) in Norwegian law 2001

§ 1. Scope etc. of the Act

Any request for the surrender of a person sought and other forms of assistance submitted by the International Criminal Court (the Court) in accordance with the Court’s Statute of 17 July 1998 (the Rome Statute) shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Such requests shall be submitted to the Ministry.

Requests from the Court shall be complied with in so far as the Rome Statute so provides.

Rome Statute

Article 86 General obligation to cooperate

States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Statute, cooperate fully with the Court in its investigation and prosecution of crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court.