Request for cooperation


Mongolia - Criminal Procedure Code 2001 (EN)



Article 404. Request to Transfer Citizen of Mongolia

404.1. Request to transfer a citizen of Mongolia who has left for a foreign country after committing a crime on the territory of Mongolia shall be made before an authorized organization of the foreign country according to rules provided by law and international agreements.

404.2. The request shall specify following:

404.2.1. his/her name, parents names and family name, his/her date of birth;

404.2.2. country of citizenship, description and a photo;

404.2.3. short summary of the crimes committed by the person, provision of law applicable, sentence imposed by court if convicted;

404.2.4. date of decree on conviction or on charge as accused;

404.2.5. certified copies of documents attached to the request.

Article 405. Implementing the Requirement to Transfer Foreign Citizen

405.1. Request made by an authorized organization of a foreign country to transfer a foreign citizen, or stateless person who has committed a crime or has been sentenced on the territory of the foreign country shall be implemented according to rules provided by law and international agreements.

405.2. If the person described by Article 405.1. of this Law and to be transferred is serving an
imprisonment sentence on the territory of Mongolia the transfer may be postponed until the person finishes serving the sentence or is released from serving the sentence.

405.3. If such postponement of the transfer allows the time limit for prosecuting the crime to be expired or hinders investigation of the crime, the person may be transferred.

Article 406. Refusal to Transfer

406.1. In following occasions a transfer of a criminal shall not take place:

406.1.1. if the person is a citizen of Mongolia;

406.1.2. if the criminal has been awarded asylum in Mongolia;

406.1.3. if the grounds for the request to transfer are not considered to be a crime in Mongolia;

406.1.4. if the statute of limitation for the particular crime has been expired according to legislation of Mongolia or there are circumstances based on other grounds excluding initiating of criminal case or sentencing.

Article 407. Transfer of a Person with Dual Citizenship or Stateless Person

407.1. Transfer of a person with dual citizenship or stateless person shall be resolved as provided by this Law.

Article 408. Confinement Under Guard for the Purpose of Transfer

408.1. If there is ground for satisfaction of the request of authorized organization of foreign country and for transfer of a criminal, he/she shall be arrested and confined under guard until the transfer and the requesting organization shall be informed immediately on date and place of the transfer.

408.2. If the person confined under guard as provided by Article 408.1. of this Law is not received
within 30 days, he/she shall be released by an decree of procurator.

408.3. The person released as provided by Article 408.2. of this Law may be again confined under guard if new request has been made.

Article 409. Transfer of Property and Other Evidence

409.1. In transferring a foreign citizen or stateless person to a foreign country according to rules
provided by this Law, the tools and other items used in perpetrating of crime and other property bearing signs of the crime or obtained through criminal activities and other necessary evidence shall be transferred.

409.2. If the evidence described in Article 409.1. of this Law is required for resolution of other cases it may be refused to transfer it.

409.3. The property described in Article 409.1. of this Law shall be transferred when the relevant
organization of foreign country issues a guarantee to return the property upon resolution of the case.


Article 410. Grounds for Transferring Convict Sentenced to Imprisonment to Country of His/Her Jurisdiction

410.1. Issues of transferring a convict sentenced to imprisonment by a court of Mongolia to the country of his/her jurisdiction or transferring a citizen of Mongolia sentenced to imprisonment by a foreign court to Mongolia shall be resolved according to conditions and rules provided by international agreements of Mongolia established with the respective country.

410.2. Decision on transferring a person sentenced to imprisonment by a court of Mongolia to the
country of his/her jurisdiction shall be made by the Procurator General of Mongolia and this shall be informed to the court that has issued the sentence and the court decision enforcement agency if not provided otherwise by law or international agreement of Mongolia.

Article 411. Refusing to Transfer Convict Sentenced to Imprisonment to Country of His/Her Jurisdiction

411.1. In following occasions it may be refused to transfer a person sentenced to imprisonment by a court of Mongolia to his/her country of jurisdiction:

411.1.1. if no action, for which the person has been sentenced, is considered to be a crime by legislation of the person's country of jurisdiction;

411.1.2. if it is not possible to enforce the sentence in the country of jurisdiction due to fact that time limit for prosecuting the crime has expired by legislation of the person's country of jurisdiction or for
other reasons;

411.1.3. if the convict or the country that has requested to transfer has not implemented a provision of the decree with respect to civil claim or has not submitted such a guarantee;

411.1.4. if agreement has not been reached on transferring the convict based on conditions provided by international agreements;

411.1.5. if the convict was a permanent resident in Mongolia.

Article 412. Reviewing and Resolving a Request to Transfer a Mongolian Citizen for Purposes of Enforcing a Sentence

412.1. If not otherwise provided by law or international agreement of Mongolia, a citizen of Mongolia sentenced to imprisonment by a foreign court shall be presented to the Procurator General of Mongolia by the convict, his/her lawful representative or relatives, or with the permission of the convict by the diplomatic representative of Mongolia residing in the respective country or by an authorized organization of the country.

412.2. The Procurator General of Mongolia shall review the request and decide whether to satisfy the request or not.

412.3. If the Procurator General of Mongolia has satisfied the request the convict shall be transferred according to agreements established with the respective country.

Article 413. Procedures for Resolving Through Courts the Issue Related with Implementing Decrees of Foreign Courts

413.1. A judge of soum or district court by issuing an order shall resolve the issue of serving a sentence in Mongolia by a person transferred as provided in Article 418 of this Law, based on the submission of the Procurator General and according to jurisdiction established by the Chief Justice of Supreme Court.

413.2. An order of judge shall contain following provisions:

413.2.1. name of the foreign court, place and date of issuing the decree;

413.2.2. place of last residence or last employment in Mongolia;

413.2.3. the crime committed by the convict and articles, paragraphs and provisions of law applied by the foreign court on him;

413.2.4. articles, paragraphs and provisions of Criminal Law of Mongolia to be applied on the actions of the convict.

413.2.5. Term of sentence imposed by the foreign court on the convict, type of prison unit, term to be served in Mongolia, type of prison unit and procedures for compensating damages.

413.3. If the term of sentence imposed by the foreign court is greater than the maximum term to be imposed by Criminal Law on the particular crime, the term to be served in Mongolia shall be established as equal to the maximum term to be imposed by Criminal Law on the particular crime.

413.4. If, according to law of Mongolia, it is not allowable to impose imprisonment sentence on the
crime, despite the fact that an imprisonment sentence has been imposed by a foreign court, court shall resolve this by imposing other type of sentence analogous to that of foreign court in type and term.

413.5. If, despite the fact that an convict was sentenced by a foreign court for committing several
crimes, but according to law of Mongolia, the crimes are not considered to be crimes, court shall terminate the case and release the convict from criminal responsibilities and convictions.

413.6. An order of judge shall enter into force from the moment of issuance and a procurator may
protest the order.

413.7. An order of judge shall be delivered to a procurator for enforcement.

413.8. All issues of enforcing court decisions such early release, replacement of a sentence with lighter sentence, giving amnesty or pardoning of a sentence for a person who is transferred from abroad to serve the sentence in Mongolia as provided in this Article shall be regulated by law and legislation of Mongolia.

413.9. If an amnesty law is adopted in a foreign country, the law shall be applicable to a person who has been sentenced there and transferred and a decision to such effect shall be made by a judge of court of the first instance in jurisdiction of which the sentence enforcement unit is located.

Rome Statute

Article 87 Requests for cooperation: general provisions


(a) The Court shall have the authority to make requests to States Parties for cooperation. The requests shall be transmitted through the diplomatic channel or any other appropriate channel as may be designated by each State Party upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to the designation shall be made by each State Party in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

(b) When appropriate, without prejudice to the provisions of subparagraph (a), requests may also be transmitted through the International Criminal Police Organization or any appropriate regional organization.

2. Requests for cooperation and any documents supporting the request shall either be in or be accompanied by a translation into an official language of the requested State or one of the working languages of the Court, in accordance with the choice made by that State upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to this choice shall be made in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

3. The requested State shall keep confidential a request for cooperation and any documents supporting the request, except to the extent that the disclosure is necessary for execution of the request.

4. In relation to any request for assistance presented under this Part, the Court may take such measures, including measures related to the protection of information, as may be necessary to ensure the safety or physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families. The Court may request that any information that is made available under this Part shall be provided and handled in a manner that protects the safety and physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses and their families.


(a) The Court may invite any State not party to this Statute to provide assistance under this Part on the basis of an ad hoc arrangement, an agreement with such State or any other appropriate basis.

(b) Where a State not party to this Statute, which has entered into an ad hoc arrangement or an agreement with the Court, fails to cooperate with requests pursuant to any such arrangement or agreement, the Court may so inform the Assembly of States Parties or, where the Security Council referred the matter to the Court, the Security Council.

6. The Court may ask any intergovernmental organization to provide information or documents. The Court may also ask for other forms of cooperation and assistance which may be agreed upon with such an organization and which are in accordance with its competence or mandate.

7. Where a State Party fails to comply with a request to cooperate by the Court contrary to the provisions of this Statute, thereby preventing the Court from exercising its functions and powers under this Statute, the Court may make a finding to that effect and refer the matter to the Assembly of States Parties or, where the Security Council referred the matter to the Court, to the Security Council.