
Plurinational State of Bolivia

Bolivia - Constitution (ES) 2009

Artículo 125.
Toda persona que considere que su vida está en peligro, que es ilegalmente perseguida, o que es indebidamente procesada o privada de libertad personal, podrá interponer Acción de Libertad y acudir, de manera oral o escrita, por sí o por cualquiera a su nombre y sin ninguna formalidad procesal, ante cualquier juez o tribunal competente en materia penal, y solicitará que se guarde tutela a su vida, cese la persecución indebida, se restablezcan las formalidades legales o se restituya su derecho a la libertad.

Artículo 126.
I. La autoridad judicial señalará de inmediato día y hora de la audiencia pública, la cual tendrá lugar dentro de las veinticuatro horas de interpuesta la acción, y dispondrá que la persona accionante sea conducida a su presencia o acudirá al lugar de la detención. Con dicha orden se practicará la citación, personal o por cédula, a la autoridad o a la persona denunciada, orden que será obedecida sin observación ni excusa, tanto por la autoridad o la persona denunciada como por los encargados de las cárceles o lugares de detención, sin que éstos, una vez citados, puedan desobedecer.
II. En ningún caso podrá suspenderse la audiencia. En ausencia del demandado, por inasistencia o abandono, se llevará a efecto en su rebeldía.
III. Conocidos los antecedentes y oídas las alegaciones, la autoridad judicial, obligatoriamente y bajo responsabilidad, dictará sentencia en la misma audiencia. La sentencia podrá ordenar la tutela de la vida, la restitución del derecho a la libertad, la reparación de los defectos legales, el cese de la persecución indebida o la remisión del caso al juez competente. En todos los casos, las partes quedarán notificadas con la lectura de la sentencia.
IV. El fallo judicial será ejecutado inmediatamente. Sin perjuicio de ello, la decisión se elevará en revisión, de oficio, ante el Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional, en el plazo de las veinticuatro horas siguientes a su emisión.

Artículo 128.
La Acción de Amparo Constitucional tendrá lugar contra actos u omisiones ilegales o indebidos de los servidores públicos, o de persona individual o colectiva, que restrinjan, supriman o amenacen restringir o suprimir los derechos reconocidos por la Constitución y la ley.

Rome Statute

Article 19 Challenges to the jurisdiction of the Court or the admissibility of a case

6. Prior to the confirmation of the charges, challenges to the admissibility of a case or challenges to the jurisdiction of the Court shall be referred to the Pre-Trial Chamber. After confirmation of the charges, they shall be referred to the Trial Chamber. Decisions with respect to jurisdiction or admissibility may be appealed to the Appeals Chamber in accordance with article 82.

Article 81 Appeal against decision of acquittal or conviction or against sentence

1. A decision under article 74 may be appealed in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence as follows:

(a) The Prosecutor may make an appeal on any of the following grounds:

(i) Procedural error,

(ii) Error of fact, or

(iii) Error of law;

(b) The convicted person, or the Prosecutor on that person's behalf, may make an appeal on any of the following grounds:

(i) Procedural error,

(ii) Error of fact,

(iii) Error of law, or

(iv) Any other ground that affects the fairness or reliability of the proceedings or decision.


(a) A sentence may be appealed, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, by the Prosecutor or the convicted person on the ground of disproportion between the crime and the sentence;

(b) If on an appeal against sentence the Court considers that there are grounds on which the conviction might be set aside, wholly or in part, it may invite the Prosecutor and the convicted person to submit grounds under article 81, paragraph 1 (a) or (b), and may render a decision on conviction in accordance with article 83;

(c) The same procedure applies when the Court, on an appeal against conviction only, considers that there are grounds to reduce the sentence under paragraph 2 (a).


(a) Unless the Trial Chamber orders otherwise, a convicted person shall remain in custody pending an appeal;

(b) When a convicted person's time in custody exceeds the sentence of imprisonment imposed, that person shall be released, except that if the Prosecutor is also appealing, the release may be subject to the conditions under subparagraph (c) below;

(c) In case of an acquittal, the accused shall be released immediately, subject to the following:

(i) Under exceptional circumstances, and having regard, inter alia, to the concrete risk of flight, the seriousness of the offence charged and the probability of success on appeal, the Trial Chamber, at the request of the Prosecutor, may maintain the detention of the person pending appeal;

(ii) A decision by the Trial Chamber under subparagraph (c) (i) may be appealed in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

4. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 (a) and (b), execution of the decision or sentence shall be suspended during the period allowed for appeal and for the duration of the appeal proceedings.

Article 82 Appeal against other decisions

1. Either party may appeal any of the following decisions in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence:

(a) A decision with respect to jurisdiction or admissibility;

(b) A decision granting or denying release of the person being investigated or prosecuted;

(c) A decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber to act on its own initiative under article 56, paragraph 3;

(d) A decision that involves an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial, and for which, in the opinion of the Pre-Trial or Trial Chamber, an immediate resolution by the Appeals Chamber may materially advance the proceedings.

2. A decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber under article 57, paragraph 3 (d), may be appealed against by the State concerned or by the Prosecutor, with the leave of the Pre-Trial Chamber. The appeal shall be heard on an expedited basis.

3. An appeal shall not of itself have suspensive effect unless the Appeals Chamber so orders, upon request, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

4. A legal representative of the victims, the convicted person or a bona fide owner of property adversely affected by an order under article 75 may appeal against the order for reparations, as provided in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

Article 105 Enforcement of the sentence

1. Subject to conditions which a State may have specified in accordance with article 103, paragraph 1 (b), the sentence of imprisonment shall be binding on the States Parties, which shall in no case modify it.

2. The Court alone shall have the right to decide any application for appeal and revision. The State of enforcement shall not impede the making of any such application by a sentenced person.