Unique provision - cooperation

Republic of the Fiji Islands

Fiji - Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters 1997 EN

''Part IV-ARRANGEMENTS FOR PERSONS TO GIVE EVIDENCE OR ASSIST INVESTIGATIONS, Division 1 - Requests by Fiji, 21. Arrest of person who has escaped from custody''

(1) Any police officer may, without warrant, arrest a person, if the police officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person-
(a) has been brought to Fiji under section 14; and
(b) has escaped from lawful custody while in Fiji.
(2) The police officer shall, within 24 hours or as soon as practicable, take the person before a Magistrate.
(3) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the person has escaped from lawful custody, the Magistrate may issue a warrant authorising any police officer to return the person to lawful custody.

Rome Statute

Article 86 General obligation to cooperate

States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Statute, cooperate fully with the Court in its investigation and prosecution of crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court.