Séance de la CPI sur le territoire de l’Etat


Kenya - International Crimes Act 2008 EN


161. The Prosecutor may conduct investigations in Kenyan territory
(a) in accordance with the provisions of Part 9 of the Rome Statute and as specified in section 23; or
(b) as authorised by the Pre-Trial Chamber under paragraph 3 (d) of article 57 of the Rome Statute.

162. The ICC may sit in Kenya for the purpose of performing any of its functions under the Rome Statute and under the ICC Rules, including any of the following—
(a) taking evidence;
(b) conducting or continuing any proceedings;
(c) giving judgment in any proceedings;
(d) reviewing a sentence.

163. While the ICC is sitting in Kenya, it may exercise its functions and powers as provided under the Rome Statute and under the ICC Rules.

164. The ICC may, at any sitting of the ICC in Kenya, administer an oath or affirmation giving an undertaking as to truthfulness in accordance with the practice and procedure of the ICC.

165. No application for review under any provision of the enacted law, and no application for an order of mandamus or prohibition or certiorari or for a declaration or injunction may be brought in respect of any judgment or order or determination of the ICC that is made or given at a sitting of the ICC in Kenya.

166. (1) A person in Kenya shall be kept in custody as the Minister directs in writing if—
(a) the ICC holds any sitting in Kenya; and
(b) the ICC requests that the person whose presence is required at the proceedings be held in custody as an ICC prisoner while the sitting continues in Kenya.

(2) A direction given under subsection (1) in respect of an ICC prisoner is sufficient authority for the detention of that prisoner in accordance with the terms of the direction.

(3) If an ICC prisoner is directed to be detained in a
prison under subsection (1), the prisoner shall be treated
in conformity with international human rights law and the Prisons Act, so far as applicable and with all necessary modifications, shall apply with respect to that prisoner as if the prisoner had been remanded in custody or sentenced to imprisonment for an offence against the law of Kenya, as the case may require, and is liable to be detained in a prison under such an order or sentence.

(4) For the purposes of sections 122, 123 and 124 of
the Penal Code, (which relate to rescue or escape from
lawful custody), an ICC prisoner who is in custody in a Kenyan prison or other detention facility shall be deemed to be in lawful custody while in Kenya.

167. If the Minister is satisfied that the presence of an ICC prisoner who was the subject of a direction undersection 166 (1) is no longer necessary, sections 145 to 151 shall apply, with any necessary modifications, to that person.

Statut de Rome

Article 3 Siège de la Cour

3. Si elle le juge souhaitable, la Cour peut siéger ailleurs selon les dispositions du présent Statut.

Accords sur les privilèges et immunités de la Cour Pénale Internationale - APIC

Article 12 Cas dans lesquels la Cour exerce ses fonctions en dehors du siège

Si la Cour juge souhaitable, conformément à l’article 3, paragraphe 3, du Statut, de siéger ailleurs qu’à son siège de La Haye aux Pays-Bas, elle peut conclure avec l’État concerné un accord en vue de la fourniture des installations qui lui permettront de s’acquitter de ses fonctions.