Article 18
1. The ordinary costs for the enforcement of the sentence in the territory of Austria shall be borne by Austria.
2. Other costs, including those for the transport of the sentenced person to and from the seat of the Court and those of any expert opinion or report requested by the Court, shall be borne by the Court.
3. In case of escape, the costs associated with the surrender of the sentenced person shall be borne by the Court if no State assumes responsibility for them.
General Provisions
§ 5. Expenses arising from granting an extradition or surrender, from providing judicial assistance or in connection with taking over a case for criminal prosecution, surveillance or execution in Austria, shall be borne by the Republic of Austria, provided that reciprocity is also ensured in this respect. Compensation for experts’ fees arising from providing mutual assistance, as well as for the costs of transits shall always be sought from the requesting State.
Part 1
General Provisions
10. Costs
1. The costs of executing requests made by the International Criminal Court shall be borne by the Republic of Austria, with the exception of the following:
(1) costs arising in connection with the surrender of persons in custody for the purposes of obtaining testimony under Article 93 of the Statute;
(2) the cost of translation, interpretation and transcription;
(3) the cost of expert opinions or reports requested by the Court;
(4) costs associated with the transport of a person being surrendered to the Court;
(5) following consultation, extraordinary costs that may result from the execution of a request.
2. The Federal Ministry of Justice may forgo claiming the costs in paragraph 1 above from the International Criminal Court where these are incidental or there are other valid grounds for so doing.
3. Paragraph 1 above shall apply to requests under paragraph 21 below on the understanding that the costs, without prejudice to the cases in paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs 1 to 5 above, are to be borne by the International Criminal Court.
Part 2
Specific provisions
Section 2
16. Summonses
3. At the request of the International Criminal Court, the Austrian court shall transfer an appropriate advance for travel costs to witnesses and experts summoned by the International Criminal Court who apply for it. Should the witness or expert fail to attend the trial at the International Criminal Court or otherwise fail to fulfil the obligations arising from the summons, such an advance shall be recovered.
Part 2
Specific provisions
Section 5
39. Costs
1. The ordinary costs of enforcement of sentences shall be borne by Austria.
2. Other costs, including the cost of surrender of the sentenced person from or to the Court or from one State of enforcement to another and the cost of expert opinions or reports requested by the International Criminal Court shall be borne by the International Criminal Court.
Chapter III
Recognition and Enforcement of Judicial Decisions
Part One
Enforcement of Foreign Custodial Sentences and Preventive Measures
Subdivision One
Enforcement of Judgements by other Member States
§ 41h. Costs resulting from the enforcement of a sentence from another state, with the exception of the costs of the transfer of the sentenced person to Austria and the costs arising exclusively in the sovereign territory of the issuing State, are covered by the Federal State.
Chapter III
Recognition and Enforcement of Judicial Decisions
Part Three
Execution of Orders Relating to Property Rights
Subdivision One
Execution of Decisions Taken by Other Member States
§ 52j. The costs incurred by executing a foreign order relating to property rights shall be borne by the Federal State, irrespective of whether they can be collected from the person concerned. If considerable or extraordinary costs have been incurred on account of the collection, a sharing of the costs shall be proposed to the authority of the deciding State, attaching a detailed break-down of the costs.
Chapter III
Recognition and Enforcement of Judicial Decisions
Part Four
Enforcement of Pecuniary Sanctions
Subdivision One
Enforcement of Decisions Taken by Other Member States
§ 53j. The costs accruing when enforcing a foreign decision imposing a pecuniary sanction shall be borne by the Federal State, irrespective of whether they can be collected from the person concerned or not.
1. Les dépenses ordinaires afférentes à l'exécution des demandes sur le territoire de l'État requis sont à la charge de cet État, à l'exception des frais suivants, qui sont à la charge de la Cour :
a) Frais liés aux voyages et à la protection des témoins et des experts ou au transfèrement des détenus en vertu de l'article 93 ;
b) Frais de traduction, d'interprétation et de transcription ;
c) Frais de déplacement et de séjour des juges, du Procureur, des procureurs adjoints, du Greffier, du Greffier adjoint et des membres du personnel de tous les organes de la Cour ;
d) Coût des expertises ou rapports demandés par la Cour ;
e) Frais liés au transport des personnes remises à la Cour par l'État de détention ; et
f) Après consultation, tous frais extraordinaires que peut entraîner l'exécution d'une demande.
2. Les dispositions du paragraphe 1 s'appliquent, selon qu'il convient, aux demandes adressées à la Cour par les États Parties. Dans ce cas, la Cour prend à sa charge les frais ordinaires de l'exécution.