Transport et transit à travers le territoire de l’Etat pour la remise

Confédération suisse

Federal Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2001


Art. 13 Transit

1 Upon request of the Court, the Central Authority may authorize the transit of a person in detention and the measures necessary for transit, without hearing the views of the affected person.

2 No authorization is required if the person in detention is to be transported by air over Swiss territory and no landing is scheduled.

3 If an unscheduled landing occurs, the person in transit shall be kept in custody. The Central Authority shall immediately ask the Court to make a request for transit. If the request is not received within 96 hours, the person shall be released. If the request is received after this period of time has elapsed, the person may again be arrested and the transit of the person may be authorized.

4 An authorization of transit cannot be appealed.

Statut de Rome

Article 89 Remise de certaines personnes à la Cour


a) Les États Parties autorisent le transport à travers leur territoire, conformément aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, de toute personne transférée à la Cour par un autre État, sauf dans le cas où le transit par leur territoire gênerait ou retarderait la remise.