Section 2. Sources of the Rights of Criminal Procedure
(1) Criminal procedure is determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter – the Constitution), international legal norms, and this Law.
(2) In the application of the legal norms of the European Union, the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union shall be taken into account, and in the application of the legal norms of the Republic of Latvia, the interpretation of the appropriate norm provided in the judgment of the Constitutional Court shall be complied with.
(3) The norms of the criminal procedure of another country may be applied only in international co-operation on the basis of a reasoned request from a foreign country, if such request is not in contradiction to the basic principles of the criminal procedure of Latvia.
Conformément aux dispositions du présent Statut, les États Parties coopèrent pleinement avec la Cour dans les enquêtes et poursuites qu'elle mène pour les crimes relevant de sa compétence.