Coopération de l’Etat

République du Honduras

Honduras - Constitution 1982 (2013) EN

Title I: The State
Chapter III: Treaties

Article 15
Honduras supports the principles and practices of international law, that promote
solidarity and self-determination of peoples, non-intervention and the strengthening
of universal peace and democracy.
Honduras proclaims as inevitable the validity and obligatory execution of arbitral
and judicial sentences of an international character.

Article 16
All international treaties must be approved by the National Congress before their
ratification by the Executive branch.
International treaties entered into by Honduras with other States form part of the
domestic law as soon as they enter into force.

Article 17
When an international treaty affects a constitutional provision, it must be approved
through the same procedure that governs Constitutional reform, and simultaneously
the effected constitutional precept shall be modified in the same way by the same
procedure, before the treaty is ratified by the Executive branch.

Article 18
In case of conflict between the treaty or convention and the law, the former shall

Article 19
No authority may enter into or ratify treaties or grant concessions that damage the
territorial integrity, the sovereignty or the independence of the Republic.
Anyone who does so shall be tried for the crime of treason to the country.
Responsibility in such a case is imprescriptible.

Article 20
Any treaty or convention entered into by the Executive branch, relating to the
national territory, shall require approval by the National Congress by a vote of not
less than three fourths of its members.

Article 21
The Executive branch may, in matters of its exclusive competence, enter into, ratify
or adhere to international conventions with foreign states or international
organizations without the previous requirement of approval by congress, which it
must inform immediately.

Statut de Rome

Article 86 Obligation générale de coopérer

Conformément aux dispositions du présent Statut, les États Parties coopèrent pleinement avec la Cour dans les enquêtes et poursuites qu'elle mène pour les crimes relevant de sa compétence.