Obligation de coopérer

République d'Autriche

Austria - Agreement ICC on the Enforcement of Sentences 2005

Article 18
1. The ordinary costs for the enforcement of the sentence in the territory of Austria shall be borne by Austria.
2. Other costs, including those for the transport of the sentenced person to and from the seat of the Court and those of any expert opinion or report requested by the Court, shall be borne by the Court.
3. In case of escape, the costs associated with the surrender of the sentenced person shall be borne by the Court if no State assumes responsibility for them.

Statut de Rome

Article 86 Obligation générale de coopérer

Conformément aux dispositions du présent Statut, les États Parties coopèrent pleinement avec la Cour dans les enquêtes et poursuites qu'elle mène pour les crimes relevant de sa compétence.