Confidentialité des pièces et renseignements

République portugaise

Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part VI
Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

Provisions common to different forms of assistance

Article 148
Prohibition to use information obtained

1. Any information obtained in order to be used within the criminal proceedings mentioned in the foreign
State's request shall not be otherwise used.

2. At the request of a foreign State or an international judicial entity, the Minister of Justice, after having sought the opinion of the Attorney-General, may exceptionally authorise that information to be used in the framework of other criminal proceedings.

3. Any authorisation given to a foreign State to consult a Portuguese criminal proceedings file within the framework of which that State is an injured party, shall be made subject to the conditions mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.

Article 149

1. Upon application of a foreign State or an international judicial entity, the request for assistance, its purpose, the measures taken upon the request, as well as the documents involved, shall be kept confidential.

2. If the assistance requested cannot be carried out without unveiling information thereupon, the Portuguese authority shall invite the interested authority to confirm or annul its request for assistance.

Part VI
Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

Provisions common to different forms of assistance

Article 148
Prohibition to use information obtained

1. Any information obtained in order to be used within the criminal proceedings mentioned in the foreign State's request shall not be otherwise used.

2. At the request of a foreign State or an international judicial entity, the Minister of Justice, after having sought the opinion of the Attorney-General, may exceptionally authorise that information to be used in the framework of other criminal proceedings.

3. Any authorisation given to a foreign State to consult a Portuguese criminal proceedings file within the framework of which that State is an injured party, shall be made subject to the conditions mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.

Article 149

1. Upon application of a foreign State or an international judicial entity, the request for assistance, its purpose, the measures taken upon the request, as well as the documents involved, shall be kept confidential.

2. If the assistance requested cannot be carried out without unveiling information thereupon, the Portuguese authority shall invite the interested authority to confirm or annul its request for assistance.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération


a) La Cour préserve le caractère confidentiel des pièces et renseignements recueillis, sauf dans la mesure nécessaire à l'enquête et aux procédures décrites dans la demande.

b) L'État requis peut au besoin communiquer des documents ou des renseignements au Procureur à titre confidentiel. Le Procureur ne peut alors les utiliser que pour recueillir des éléments de preuve nouveaux.

c) L'État requis peut, soit d'office, soit à la demande du Procureur, autoriser par la suite la divulgation de ces documents ou renseignements. Ceux-ci peuvent alors être utilisés comme moyen de preuve conformément aux dispositions des chapitres V et VI et au Règlement de procédure et de preuve.