Autre forme d’assistance – certaines conditions, ultérieurement ou sous une autre forme

République portugaise

Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part II

Extradition from Portugal

Section I

Article 35
Postponed surrender

1. Neither the fact that criminal proceedings are pending in a Portuguese court against the person claimed, nor the fact that that person is serving a sentence involving deprivation of liberty for an offence other than the offence on the grounds of which extradition is requested, shall prevent extradition from being granted.

2. In such cases, the surrender of the person claimed may be postponed until the proceedings terminate or the sentence is served.

3. The surrender of the person may also be postponed if it is established through medical expertise that that person suffers from an illness that puts his life in danger.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

5. Avant de rejeter une demande d'assistance visée au paragraphe 1, alinéa l), l'État requis détermine si l'assistance peut être fournie sous certaines conditions, ou pourrait l'être ultérieurement ou sous une autre forme, étant entendu que si la Cour ou le Procureur acceptent ces conditions, ils sont tenus de les observer.