Demande concurrente – comportement différent

République portugaise

Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part II

Extradition from Portugal

Section I

Article 37
Conflicting requests

1. Where there are two or more requests for the extradition of the same person, decisions on which should have preference shall submit to criteria as follows:

where the requests concern different facts, the seriousness of the offence according to Portuguese law, the date of the request, the nationality or the place of residence of the person sought, as well as any other concrete circumstances such as the existence of a treaty or the possibilities of re-extradition between the different requesting States.

Part II

Extradition from Portugal

Section I

Article 37
Conflicting requests

1. Where there are two or more requests for the extradition of the same person, decisions on which should have preference shall submit to criteria as follows :

where the requests concern different facts, the seriousness of the offence according to Portuguese law, the date of the request, the nationality or the place of residence of the person sought, as well as any other concrete circumstances such as the existence of a treaty or the possibilities of re-extradition between the different requesting States.

2. In the cases mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article 1, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall cede against the rule according to which international jurisdiction shall have primacy over national jurisdiction.

Statut de Rome

Article 90 Demandes concurrentes

7. Si un État Partie reçoit de la Cour une demande de remise et reçoit par ailleurs d'un autre État une demande d'extradition de la même personne pour un comportement différent de celui qui constitue le crime pour lequel la Cour demande la remise :

a) L'État requis donne la priorité à la demande de la Cour s'il n'est pas tenu par une obligation internationale d'extrader la personne vers l'État requérant ;