Part II
Extradition from Portugal
Section III
Special procedural rules for cases of provisional arrest
Article 62
2. The authority who arrests the person shall bring him before the public prosecutor attached to the ""Tribunal da Relação" that has jurisdiction over the request, for the purposes of the person being heard and of a decision being taken to the effect of ratifying or not the arrest and allowing or not its continuation; such a decision must be taken within a period of no more than 48 hours after the arrest.
Part II
Extradition from Portugal
Section III
Special procedural rules for cases of provisional arrest
Article 62
2. The authority who arrests the person shall bring him before the public prosecutor attached to the ""Tribunal da Relação"l" that has jurisdiction over the request, for the purposes of the person being heard and of a decision being taken to the effect of ratifying or not the arrest and allowing or not its continuation ; such a decision must be taken within a period of no more than 48 hours after the arrest.
1. En cas d'urgence, la Cour peut demander l'arrestation provisoire de la personne recherchée en attendant que soient présentées la demande de remise et les pièces justificatives visées à l'article 91.