

Hungary - International Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (1996) EN

''II. Chapter The extradition, 1. Title Extradition from Hungary''

§ 22(3)  In the case of a person remanded in custody, the date of commencement of arrest shall be the date on which the request for extradition is received by the Minister. In this case, the temporary extradition arrest lasts until the extradition arrest is ordered.

§ 23  (1)  During the order of temporary extradition arrest, if the conditions of extradition can be established on the basis of the available data, the Metropolitan Court shall inform the person requested to extradite that if he consents to extradition, the Minister may consent to extradition upon receipt of the extradition request. even before; record the training and the statement of the person sought to be extradited (simplified extradition).

''II. Chapter The extradition, 1. Title Extradition from Hungary''

25 / B. § (3) The detention of the requested person shall be ordered if

a)a 25 / A. § (2) violates the rules of temporary extradition criminal supervision,

(b) does not appear in the pleading despite the summons and does not save it in advance with good reason or does not give good reason immediately after the impediment has ceased to exist,

(c) during the installation of a technical device to monitor the movement of the requested
(4) In the cases specified in subsection (3), the court shall order the temporary extradition arrest of the requested person, but there is no place to impose a fine.

''II. Chapter The extradition, 1. Title Extradition from Hungary''

§ 27(2)  If the extradition of the extradited person was not possible due to an unavoidable obstacle outside any of the determining authorities, the period of arrest or detention shall be extended so that the extradited person has at least twenty days after the unavoidable obstacle has ceased to exist. to transfer. The extradited person shall be released immediately after the expiry of this period.

''II. Chapter The extradition, 1. Title Extradition from Hungary''

§ 27(2)  If the extradition of the extradited person was not possible due to an unavoidable obstacle outside any of the determining authorities, the period of arrest or detention shall be extended so that the extradited person has at least twenty days after the unavoidable obstacle has ceased to exist. to transfer. The extradited person shall be released immediately after the expiry of this period.

''III. Chapter Transfer and receipt of criminal proceedings; report to a foreign state, 2. Title

55 / A. §4. Pre-trial detention shall last until the conclusion of an agreement on the taking over of enforcement and shall not exceed the duration of the sentence. Time spent in custody and temporary custody shall be included in the custodial sentence or measure involving deprivation of liberty taken for enforcement. The court shall review the grounds for temporary custody every three months.

''Chapter V  Procedural legal aid, 5. Title Temporary transfer of a detainee to the requesting State''

§ 65.(7) The total period of detention abroad in connection with the execution of a request for legal aid shall be taken into account in the arrest ordered, the sentence imposed or the custodial measure applied.

''Chapter V 190 Procedural legal aid, 5. Title Temporary transfer of a detainee to the requesting State''

65 / A. § (1) A request for the temporary reception of a person detained in the requested State in order to be present in a procedural act to be carried out in the territory of Hungary may be submitted by the Minister, who shall forward it to the Minister of Justice of the requested State.

Statut de Rome

Article 55 Droits des personnes dans le cadre d'une enquête

1. Dans une enquête ouverte en vertu du présent Statut, une personne :

d) Ne peut être arrêtée ou détenue arbitrairement ; elle ne peut être privée de sa liberté si ce n'est pour les motifs et selon les procédures prévus dans le présent Statut.

Article 78 Fixation de la peine

2. Lorsqu'elle prononce une peine d'emprisonnement, la Cour en déduit le temps que le condamné a passé, sur son ordre, en détention. Elle peut également en déduire toute autre période passée en détention à raison d'un comportement lié au crime.

Article 89 Remise de certaines personnes à la Cour


c) La personne transportée reste détenue pendant le transit.

Article 92 Arrestation provisoire

1. En cas d'urgence, la Cour peut demander l'arrestation provisoire de la personne recherchée en attendant que soient présentées la demande de remise et les pièces justificatives visées à l'article 91.

Article 106 Contrôle de l'exécution de la peine et conditions de détention

1. L'exécution d'une peine d'emprisonnement est soumise au contrôle de la Cour. Elle est conforme aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus.

2. Les conditions de détention sont régies par la législation de l'État chargé de l'exécution. Elles sont conformes aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus. Elles ne peuvent en aucun cas être ni plus ni moins favorables que celles que l'État chargé de l'exécution réserve aux détenus condamnés pour des infractions similaires.

3. Les communications entre le condamné et la Cour sont libres et confidentielles.