
Principauté du Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein - Criminal Procedure Code 1988 (2017) EN

''Title XI, § 1304''

1) Every arrested person shall be examined by the investigating judge

forthwith, but no later than within 48 hours from receipt of the

application to impose pre-trial detention. At the beginning of the

examination, the investigating judge shall inform the arrested of the

charges raised against him and point out to him that he is free to

comment or not to comment on the matter and to consult a defence

counsel beforehand. It shall be pointed out to the accused that his

testimony may serve his defence but may also be used as evidence against


2) Following the examination, the investigating judge shall

immediately issue a ruling as to whether the accused be released -

possibly subject to the application of less severe measures (§ 131(5)) - or

1 § 129(2) amended by LGBl. 2007 No. 292.

2 § 129(3) amended by LGBl. 2012 No. 26.

3 § 129(4) inserted by LGBl. 2007 No. 292.

4 § 130 amended by LGBl. 2007 No. 292.

312.0 Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO)


whether he be taken into pre-trial detention. However, the investigating

judge may carry out or have carried out immediate inquiries before his

decision if it is to be expected that their result will have crucial influence

on the assessment of the suspicion and the reasons for arrest. In any

event, the investigating judge shall decide on pre-trial detention within 48

hours from the time the accused is handed over.

3) The investigating judge's ruling plus grounds shall immediately

communicated to the accused; this shall be noted in the record. A ruling

for the accused's release shall be served upon the public prosecutor

within 24 hours; any probation officer who may have been appointed

shall also be provided with a copy. If the ruling is for pre-trial detention,

service upon the accused within 24 hours shall be effected; copies shall be

sent forthwith to the Liechtenstein Prison and to any probation officer

who may have been appointed. The accused cannot validly waive


4) The ruling for pre-trial detention shall state the following:

1. the name and additional personal information of the accused,

2. the offence of which the accused is strongly suspect, the time, place,

and circumstances of its commission, and its legal designation,

3. the reason for arrest,

4. the specific facts on which the strong suspicion and the reason for

arrest are based, and the reasons as a result of which the purpose of

detention cannot be achieved by using less severe measures,

5. the information until what date the ruling for detention will be

effective at the latest, and that a detention hearing will take place

before any continuation of detention unless any of the cases

mentioned in § 132(3), (4), or (6) occurs,

6. the information that the accused may notify a relative or another

person of confidence of the imposition of pre-trial detention or have

him notified,

7. the information that the accused must be represented by a defence

counsel as long as he is in pre-trial detention,

8. the information that the accused has the option to appeal by

objection to be submitted the Court of Appeal within seven days

from service of the ruling, and that he may apply for his release at any


Statut de Rome

Article 55 Droits des personnes dans le cadre d'une enquête

1. Dans une enquête ouverte en vertu du présent Statut, une personne :

d) Ne peut être arrêtée ou détenue arbitrairement ; elle ne peut être privée de sa liberté si ce n'est pour les motifs et selon les procédures prévus dans le présent Statut.

Article 78 Fixation de la peine

2. Lorsqu'elle prononce une peine d'emprisonnement, la Cour en déduit le temps que le condamné a passé, sur son ordre, en détention. Elle peut également en déduire toute autre période passée en détention à raison d'un comportement lié au crime.

Article 89 Remise de certaines personnes à la Cour


c) La personne transportée reste détenue pendant le transit.

Article 92 Arrestation provisoire

1. En cas d'urgence, la Cour peut demander l'arrestation provisoire de la personne recherchée en attendant que soient présentées la demande de remise et les pièces justificatives visées à l'article 91.

Article 106 Contrôle de l'exécution de la peine et conditions de détention

1. L'exécution d'une peine d'emprisonnement est soumise au contrôle de la Cour. Elle est conforme aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus.

2. Les conditions de détention sont régies par la législation de l'État chargé de l'exécution. Elles sont conformes aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus. Elles ne peuvent en aucun cas être ni plus ni moins favorables que celles que l'État chargé de l'exécution réserve aux détenus condamnés pour des infractions similaires.

3. Les communications entre le condamné et la Cour sont libres et confidentielles.