Confidencialidad con relación a documentos e información


Australia - International Criminal Court Act No. 41 2002 (2018) EN

Part 7—Information provided in confidence by third party

142 Disclosure of information provided in confidence by third party
(1) If the ICC requests the giving of information or documents that were provided to Australia on a confidential basis by a foreign country or by an intergovernmental or international organisation (in either case referred to as the originator), the Attorney-General must seek the consent of the originator before giving the information or documents to the ICC.
(2) If the originator is a party to the Statute that consents to disclosure of the information or documents, the Attorney-General must, subject to Part 8, give the information or documents to the ICC.
(3) If the originator is a party to the Statute that undertakes to resolve the issue of disclosure of the information or documents with the ICC under article 73 of the Statute, the Attorney-General must
inform the ICC of the undertaking.
(4) If the originator is not a party to the Statute and refuses to consent to disclosure of the information or documents, the Attorney-General must inform the ICC that he or she is unable to give the information or documents because of an existing obligation of confidentiality to the originator.
(5) If the originator is not a party to the Statute and consents to disclosure of the information or documents, the Attorney-General must, subject to Part 8, give the information or documents to the ICC.

143 Request for Australia’s consent to disclosure
If a request is received from a foreign country for Australia’s consent to the disclosure to the ICC of information or documents that had been disclosed by Australia to the country on a confidential basis, the Attorney-General must either:
(a) consent to the disclosure; or
(b) undertake to deal with the matter in accordance with Part 8.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación


(a) La Corte velará por la protección del carácter confidencial de los documentos y de la información, salvo en la medida en que éstos sean necesarios para la investigación y las diligencias pedidas en la solicitud.

(b) El Estado requerido podrá, cuando sea necesario, transmitir al Fiscal documentos o información con carácter confidencial. El Fiscal únicamente podrá utilizarlos para reunir nuevas pruebas.

(c) El Estado requerido podrá, de oficio o a solicitud del Fiscal, autorizar la divulgación ulterior de estos documentos o información, los cuales podrán utilizarse como medios de prueba de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las partes V y VI y de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba.