Privilegios e inmunidades del Estado


Fiji - Constitution 2013 EN


Immunity granted under the Constitution of 1990 continues

Notwithstanding the abrogation of the Constitution Amendment Act 1997 and despite the repeal of the Constitution of 1990, Chapter XIV of the Constitution of 1990 continues in force in accordance with its tenor, and the immunity granted in Chapter XIV of the Constitution of 1990 shall continue.
Immunity granted under the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 continues


(1) The immunities granted to prescribed persons for prescribed political events under the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 shall continue in existence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, the Limitation of Liability for Prescribed Political Events Decree 2010 shall, in its entirety, continue in existence and shall not be reviewed, amended, altered, repealed or revoked by Parliament.

Further immunity

Absolute and unconditional immunity is irrevocably granted to any person (whether in their official or personal or individual capacity) holding the office of, or holding the office in, as the case may be—
(a) the President;
(b) the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers;
(c) Republic of Fiji Military Forces;
(d) Fiji Police Force;
(e) Fiji Corrections Service;
(f) Judiciary;
(g) public service; and
(h) any public office,
from any criminal prosecution and from any civil or other liability in any court, tribunal or commission, in any proceeding including any legal, military, disciplinary or professional proceedings and from any order or judgment of any court, tribunal or commission, as a result of any direct or indirect participation, appointment or involvement in the Government from 5 December 2006 to the date of the first sitting of the first Parliament elected after the commencement of this Constitution, provided however any such immunity shall not apply to any act or omission that constitutes an offence under sections 133 to 146, 148 to 236, 288 to 351, 356 to 361, 364 to 374, and 377 to 386 of the Crimes Decree 2009 (as prescribed in the Crimes Decree 2009 at the date of the commencement of this Constitution).

Immunity entrenched

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, this Chapter and any immunity granted or continued in this Chapter shall not be reviewed, amended, altered, repealed or revoked.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution, no court or tribunal shall have the jurisdiction to accept, hear or make any decision or order with respect to any challenge against the provisions of this Chapter and any immunity granted or continued in this Chapter.

(3) No compensation shall be payable by the State to any person in respect of damage, injury or loss to his or her property or person caused by or consequent upon any conduct from which immunity has been granted under this Chapter.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 27 Improcedencia del cargo oficial

2. Las inmunidades y las normas de procedimiento especiales que conlleve el cargo oficial de una persona, con arreglo al derecho interno o al derecho internacional, no obstarán para que la Corte ejerza su competencia sobre ella.

Artículo 98 Cooperación con respecto a la renuncia a la inmunidad y consentimiento a la entrega

1. La Corte no dará curso a una solicitud de entrega o de asistencia en virtud de la cual el Estado requerido deba actuar en forma incompatible con las obligaciones que le imponga el derecho internacional con respecto a la inmunidad de un Estado o la inmunidad diplomática de una persona o un bien de un tercer Estado, salvo que la Corte obtenga anteriormente la cooperación de ese tercer Estado para la renuncia a la inmunidad.

2. La Corte no dará curso a una solicitud de entrega en virtud de la cual el Estado requerido deba actuar en forma incompatible con las obligaciones que le imponga un acuerdo internacional conforme al cual se requiera el consentimiento del Estado que envíe para entregar a la Corte a una persona sujeta a la jurisdicción de ese Estado, a menos que ésta obtenga primero la cooperación del Estado que envíe para que dé su consentimiento a la entrega.

Acuerdo sobre los Privilegios e Inmunidades de la Corte Penal Internacional

Artículo 27 Seguridad social

A partir de la fecha en que la Corte establezca un sistema de seguridad social, las personas a que se hace referencia en los artículos 15, 16 y 17 estarán exentas, en relación con los servicios prestados a la Corte, de toda contribución obligatoria a los sistemas nacionales de seguridad social.