Privilegios e inmunidades del Estado


Estonia - Constitution 1992 (2015) EN

Chapter VI
The Government of the Republic

§ 101.

Criminal charges may only be brought against a member of the Government of the Republic on the proposal of the Chancellor of Justice, and with the consent of a majority of the members of the Riigikogu.

Chapter XIII
The Courts

§ 153.

Criminal charges may be brought against a judge during his or her term of office only on a proposal of the Supreme Court, and with the consent of the President.
Criminal charges may be brought against the Chief Justice and justices of the Supreme Court only on a proposal of the Chancellor of Justice, and with the consent of a majority of the members of the Riigikogu.

Estonia - Criminal Procedure Code 2003 (2020) EN


§ 4. Applicability of criminal procedural law by reason of person concerned
The law of criminal procedure applies equally to all persons with the following exceptions:
1) the specifications concerning preparation of a statement of charges and performance of certain procedural acts with regard to the President of the Republic, members of the Government of the Republic, the Auditor General, the Chancellor of Justice and the Chief Justice and justices of the Supreme Court are provided for in Chapter 14 of this Code;
2) the specifications concerning procedural acts performed with regard to members of the Riigikogu before preparation of a statement of charges and of preparation of the statement of charges are provided for in Chapter 141 of this Code;
3) Estonian law of criminal procedure may be applied to a person enjoying diplomatic immunity or other privileges prescribed by an international agreement at the request of the relevant foreign state, taking into account the specifications provided in an international agreement.
[RT I, 22.12.2014, 9 - entry into force 01.01.2015]


Division 5Recognition and Compliance with Judgements of States Not Participating in Cooperation in criminal proceedings among Member States of European Union
[RT I, 21.06.2014, 11 - entry into force 01.01.2015]

§ 477. Scope of assistance
9) the judgement or decision was made with regard to a person who enjoys immunities or privileges on the basis of clause 4 2) of this Code.


Division 7International Criminal Court

§ 489. Cooperation with International Criminal Court
(1) Cooperation with the International Criminal Court shall be carried out pursuant to this Code unless otherwise provided by an international agreement.

Estonia - Penal Code 2001 (2020) EN

Division 4 Offences against Foreign States or International Organisations

§ 246. Attack against life or health of persons enjoying international immunity
(1) Acts of violence against representatives of international organisations or generally recognised international non-governmental organisations or foreign high-ranking public officials or their family members is punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment.
(2) Killing, hostage taking of or causing serious health damage to any persons specified in subsection (1) of this section is punishable by six to twenty years’ imprisonment or life imprisonment.
(3) An act provided for in subsection (1) or (2) of this section, if committed by a legal person, is punishable by a pecuniary punishment.

§ 247. Defamation and insulting of persons enjoying international immunity
(1) Defamation or insulting of a person enjoying international immunity or of a family member of such person is punishable by a pecuniary punishment or up to two years' imprisonment.
(2) The same act, if committed by a legal person, is punishable by a pecuniary punishment.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 27 Improcedencia del cargo oficial

2. Las inmunidades y las normas de procedimiento especiales que conlleve el cargo oficial de una persona, con arreglo al derecho interno o al derecho internacional, no obstarán para que la Corte ejerza su competencia sobre ella.

Artículo 98 Cooperación con respecto a la renuncia a la inmunidad y consentimiento a la entrega

1. La Corte no dará curso a una solicitud de entrega o de asistencia en virtud de la cual el Estado requerido deba actuar en forma incompatible con las obligaciones que le imponga el derecho internacional con respecto a la inmunidad de un Estado o la inmunidad diplomática de una persona o un bien de un tercer Estado, salvo que la Corte obtenga anteriormente la cooperación de ese tercer Estado para la renuncia a la inmunidad.

2. La Corte no dará curso a una solicitud de entrega en virtud de la cual el Estado requerido deba actuar en forma incompatible con las obligaciones que le imponga un acuerdo internacional conforme al cual se requiera el consentimiento del Estado que envíe para entregar a la Corte a una persona sujeta a la jurisdicción de ese Estado, a menos que ésta obtenga primero la cooperación del Estado que envíe para que dé su consentimiento a la entrega.

Acuerdo sobre los Privilegios e Inmunidades de la Corte Penal Internacional

Artículo 27 Seguridad social

A partir de la fecha en que la Corte establezca un sistema de seguridad social, las personas a que se hace referencia en los artículos 15, 16 y 17 estarán exentas, en relación con los servicios prestados a la Corte, de toda contribución obligatoria a los sistemas nacionales de seguridad social.