Solicitud de dentención provisional


Código do Processo Penal de Timor-Leste






Article 221
Arrest warrants

1. Subject to sub-article 220.2, an arrest other than in flagrante delicto may be carried out only through a warrant the duplicate of which shall be handed over to the person to be arrested.

2. An arrest warrant must contain :

(a) the identification of the person to be arrested and the capacity in which he or she is intervening in the case;
(b) brief indication of the grounds for the arrest and its purpose;
(c) identification and number of the case file regarding the arrest.

3. The warrant is written in triplicate, one of the duplicates being attached to the records once the arrest has been certified, the other kept in the files of the arresting entity, and the original handed over to the person to be arrested, in the act of his or her capture.

4. An arrest that is not in compliance with this and the preceding article is unlawful.

Article 222
Notifying an arrest

An arrest must be immediately notified to :

(a) the judge who has ordered the arrest if the arrested person is not immediately presented to the former ;
(b) the public prosecutor in any other cases.

Article 223
Releasing an a person under arrest

1. Any entity who has ordered an arrest or to whom the person under arrest has been delivered shall release the latter immediately :

(a) as soon as it becomes evident that the arrest was carried out in a situation of mistaken identity ;
(b) if it has been carried out outside the cases and the conditions provided in the law, namely in the cases where the 72-hour period to present the detainee has been exceeded ;
(c) as soon as such order becomes unnecessary.

2. Release is preceded by a writ if the arrest has been ordered by the public prosecutor or the judge and, in the case of another entity, through the subsequent preparation of a report to be attached to the case file.

3. Any release carried out on the initiative of any police entity, before the person under arrest has been presented to the judge, must be notified to the public prosecutor, under the penalty of disciplinary liability.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 92 Detención provisional

1. En caso de urgencia, la Corte podrá solicitar la detención provisional de la persona buscada hasta que se presente la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91.

2. La solicitud de detención provisional deberá hacerse por cualquier medio que permita dejar constancia escrita y contendrá:

(a) Información suficiente para identificar a la persona buscada y datos sobre su probable paradero;

(b) Una exposición concisa de los crímenes por los que se pida la detención y de los hechos que presuntamente serían constitutivos de esos crímenes, inclusive, de ser posible, la indicación de la fecha y el lugar en que se cometieron;

(c) Una declaración de que existe una orden de detención o una decisión final condenatoria respecto de la persona buscada; y

(d) Una declaración de que se presentará una solicitud de entrega de la persona buscada.

3. La persona sometida a detención provisional podrá ser puesta en libertad si el Estado requerido no hubiere recibido la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen, de conformidad con el artículo 91, dentro del plazo fijado en las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba. Sin embargo, el detenido podrá consentir en la entrega antes de que se cumpla dicho plazo siempre que lo permita el derecho interno del Estado requerido. En ese caso, el Estado requerido procederá a entregar al detenido a la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

4. El hecho de que la persona buscada haya sido puesta en libertad de conformidad con el párrafo 3 no obstará para que sea nuevamente detenida y entregada una vez que el Estado requerido reciba la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen.