Detención provisional para los procedimientos de la CPI – trámites nacionales

República Federal de Alemania

Germany - Cooperation with ICC 2002 EN

Part 2 Surrender of Persons

§ 6 Approval of Surrender

The surrender, except in the case of § 32, shall only be approved when the court has declared it permissible.

§ 7 Subject Matter Jurisdiction

(1) The Higher Regional Court shall pass judgment in the absence of other agreement. Judgments of the Higher Regional Court are non-appealable.
(2) The public prosecution office attached to the Higher Regional Court shall prepare the decision regarding the surrender and shall implement approved surrenders.

§ 8 Venue

(1) Venue lies with the Higher Regional Court and the public prosecution office attached to the Higher Regional Court in whose district the suspect is apprehended for the purpose of surrender or, when there has been no apprehension, where the first investigation took place.
(2) If multiple suspects, because of participation in the same criminal act or in connection therewith, are captured or investigated in the districts of different Higher Regional Courts for the purpose of surrender, venue is determined by which Higher Regional Court was first involved is or, when none was yet involved, by which public prosecution office attached to the Higher Regional Court was first involved.
(3) When the whereabouts of the suspect is unknown, venue is determined by the seat of the federal government.

§ 9 Investigation Measures
(relating to Article 59 para. 1 of the Rome Statute)

(1) After receipt of a request by the Court for arrest and surrender based upon Article 89 para. 1 of the Rome Statute or provisional arrest based upon Article 92 para. 1 of the Rome Statute, measures necessary for determination of the whereabouts of the suspect as well as for arrest of the suspect shall be taken. The provisions in para. 9a of Part One of the Criminal Procedure Code (Strafprozessordnung) apply mutatis mutandis.
(2) No special request by the Court is required for ordering individual investigation measures. The public prosecution office attached to the Higher Regional Court is responsible [for] issuing an arrest notice.

§ 10
Detention of Persons to be Surrendered
(relating to Article 59 para. 1 of the Rome Statute)

Upon receipt of the request for arrest and surrender along with the documents required for surrender for criminal prosecution pursuant to Article 91 para. 2 of the Rome Statute or for surrender for execution of sentence pursuant to Article 91 para. 3 of the Rome Statute, detention of the suspect prior to surrender shall be ordered.

Part 2 Surrender of Persons

§ 28 German Criminal Proceeding and Request for Surrender

(2) If provisional detention for surrender of the suspect is ordered pursuant to § 11 para. 2 and the Court has not requested provisional arrest within the deadline foreseen in § 11 para. 3, the proceedings will be resumed. The proceedings will also be resumed when provisional detention for surrender of the suspect has been ordered based upon a request for provisional arrest pursuant to § 11 para. 1 sentence 1 and the Court has not requested arrest and surrender within the deadline set forth in § 11 para. 1 sentence 2. If the court has temporarily discontinued the proceedings, a court decision is required for resumption. Nothing shall hinder a discontinuance in accordance with para. 1 of a proceeding that had previously been resumed.

Part 2
Surrender of Persons

§ 13
Provisional Arrest

(1) When the prerequisites for an arrest warrant for surrender have been fulfilled,
the public prosecution office and the officers of the police force are authorized to
effect the provisional arrest. In accordance with the conditions set forth in § 127
para. 1 sentence 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, any person is entitled to conduct
a provisional arrest.
(2) If the suspect is taken into custody, he shall be informed of the reason
(3) When an arrest warrant for surrender exists, the suspect must be promptly
informed thereof. The suspect is to be given a copy.

Part 2
Surrender of Persons

§ 15
Procedure After Provisional Arrest

(1) If the suspect is provisionally arrested, he shall be brought without delay, at
the latest on the day after arrest, before a judge of the next District Court
(2) § 14 para. 2 applies mutatis mutandis to the examination of the suspect.
(3) If the examination reveals that the captured person is not the person to which
the request or the criminal acts within the meaning of § 11 para. 2 relate, the judge of
the District Court shall order his release. Otherwise the judge of the District Court
shall order that the suspect shall remain in detention until there is a decision by the
Higher Regional Court. The public prosecution office attached to the Higher Regional
Court shall promptly obtain a decision of the Higher Regional Court; participation of
the Court shall be in accordance with Article 59 para. 4-6 of the Rome Statute. § 14 para. 5-7 apply mutatis mutandis.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 92 Detención provisional

1. En caso de urgencia, la Corte podrá solicitar la detención provisional de la persona buscada hasta que se presente la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91.

2. La solicitud de detención provisional deberá hacerse por cualquier medio que permita dejar constancia escrita y contendrá:

(a) Información suficiente para identificar a la persona buscada y datos sobre su probable paradero;

(b) Una exposición concisa de los crímenes por los que se pida la detención y de los hechos que presuntamente serían constitutivos de esos crímenes, inclusive, de ser posible, la indicación de la fecha y el lugar en que se cometieron;

(c) Una declaración de que existe una orden de detención o una decisión final condenatoria respecto de la persona buscada; y

(d) Una declaración de que se presentará una solicitud de entrega de la persona buscada.

3. La persona sometida a detención provisional podrá ser puesta en libertad si el Estado requerido no hubiere recibido la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen, de conformidad con el artículo 91, dentro del plazo fijado en las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba. Sin embargo, el detenido podrá consentir en la entrega antes de que se cumpla dicho plazo siempre que lo permita el derecho interno del Estado requerido. En ese caso, el Estado requerido procederá a entregar al detenido a la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

4. El hecho de que la persona buscada haya sido puesta en libertad de conformidad con el párrafo 3 no obstará para que sea nuevamente detenida y entregada una vez que el Estado requerido reciba la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen.