Detención provisional

República de Azerbaiyán

Azerbaijan - Criminal Procedure Code (EN) 2000

General Part


Chapter XVI

Article 147. The use of detention during criminal proceedings

147.1. Detention during criminal proceedings may be applied only to the following :

147.1.1. a person suspected of committing an offence ;
147.1.2. a person who is to be charged or an accused who has violated the conditions governing the restrictive measure applied to him ;
147.1.3. a sentenced person, in order to settle the question of forcibly sending him to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release.

147.2. Detention shall be applied in the following circumstances :

147.2.1. if there is a suspicion that the person concerned committed an offence ;
147.2.2. if there is an appropriate decision by the prosecuting authority about a person covered by Article 147.1.2 ;
147.2.3. if there is a court decision on the detention of a sentenced person pending settlement of the question of forcibly sending him to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release.

147.3. The illegal detention of a person shall entail liability under the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 148. Detention of persons suspected of committing an offence

148.1. A person suspected of committing an offence shall be detained if there is a direct suspicion that he committed the offence or other information giving grounds for suspicion that he committed the act provided for in criminal law.

148.2. If there is a direct suspicion that a person committed an offence, the preliminary investigator, another official of the preliminary investigating authority, the investigator or the prosecutor may detain him in the following cases :

148.2.1. if the person is caught in the act of committing an offence provided for in criminal law or immediately thereafter on the scene of the offence ;
148.2.2. if the victim or other witnesses to the act themselves assert that the act provided for in criminal law was committed by this person ;
148.2.3. if clear marks indicative of the commission of the criminal act are discovered on the person's body, on his clothes or on other items he uses, in his home or in his means of transport.

148.3. If there is other information giving grounds to suspect a person of committing an act provided for in criminal law, he may be detained by the preliminary investigator, another official of the investigating authority, the investigator or the prosecutor in the following cases :

148.3.1. if he tries to escape from the crime scene into hiding, or to hide from the prosecuting authority ;
148.3.2. if he has no permanent home or lives in another area ;
148.3.3. if his identity cannot be established.

148.4. In the circumstances provided for in Article 148.1 and 148.2 of this Code, the person may be detained before the start of the criminal case. If no decision to start the criminal case is taken within 24 hours of the person being detained, the person shall be released immediately. Even if this decision is taken, the detention of the person may not exceed 48 hours. The detained person shall be charged within 48 hours of being taken into custody and shall be brought before a court ; the court shall examine the case without delay and decide between arrest as a restrictive measure and release.

Article 149. Apprehension of a person who has committed an offence with the aid of a person who witnessed the act

149.1. If the person committing an offence tries to escape during or immediately after the offence, a witness to the act may assist the prosecuting authority in apprehending the person, as follows :

149.1.1. he may tie up the person’s hands and feet if he resists ;
149.1.2. if the person who committed the offence is thought to have a gun or other dangerous weapon or to be carrying anything else which may be of significance to the criminal case, he may search him and seize these items for presentation to the prosecuting authority.

149.2. If he is not an official of the prosecuting authority, the person apprehending the offender shall immediately call the police, and, if this is impossible, shall bring the detained person to the police by force without delay.

Article 150. Detention of a person to charge him

150.1. If the evidence collected on a criminal case gives grounds to suppose that a person has committed an act provided for in criminal law, and if this person lives in another area or if his abode is not known, the investigator or prosecutor may decide to detain him. If a person hides from the prosecuting authority or intentionally fails to comply with a summons, and it is decided to detain him in order to charge him, the investigator or prosecutor shall at the same time announce a search for him.

150.2. Any official of the preliminary investigating authority, investigator or prosecutor who traces the suspect shall execute the decision to detain him in order to charge him, and immediately afterwards shall inform the investigator or prosecutor who took that decision.

150.3. The detention of the suspect shall not exceed 48 hours before he is charged. Pending the decision on arrest as a restrictive measure, the detained person shall be brought before a court within 48 hours of being taken into custody, and the court shall examine the case without delay and decide between arrest as a restrictive measure and release.

General Part


Chapter XVI

Article 152. Detention in order to settle the question of forcibly sending the sentenced person to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release

152.1. In the following cases the institution or authority enforcing the sentence shall submit a recommendation for the court to give a decision on the detention of the sentenced person in order to settle the question of forcibly sending him to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release :

152.1.1. if the sentenced person escapes and hides or attempts to avoid going to the appropriate institution or authority ;
152.1.2. if the sentenced person constantly and intentionally evades performing the duties imposed on him by the court.

152.2. When making the decision about detention in order to settle the question of forcibly sending the sentenced person to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release, the court shall decide on the period of detention within 7 (seven) days of the date on which he was detained.

152.3. The court decision about the detention of a person in order to settle the question of forcibly sending him to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release shall be sent for enforcement to the police authority in the home area of the sentenced person. The authority which has implemented the decision about detention shall immediately inform the court of this.

152.4. The detention of a person in order to settle the question of forcibly sending him to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release may not exceed the period set by the court; within this period the detained person shall be brought to court and the court shall examine the case without delay and decide about forcibly sending him to the place where the sentence or other final court decision is to be executed, replacing the penalty given to him with another or repealing his suspended sentence or conditional release, as well as whether the sentence handed down in the judgment is to be executed or the person is to be released.



Chapter LVII

Article 495. Arrest of a person with a view to extradition

495.1. When a request for extradition and a copy of the arrest warrant are received from the competent authority of a foreign state, the prosecuting authority of the Azerbaijan Republic to which the request is addressed may if necessary, and in accordance with the provisions of this Code, take measures to have the person detained and arrested before the decision on extradition is taken.

495.2. In accordance with Article 495.1 of this Code, the arrested person shall have the right to apply to a court to confirm, amend or annul the restrictive measure applied to him.

495.3. Where necessary, the prosecuting authority of the Azerbaijan Republic to which the request is addressed shall also be empowered, in compliance with the provisions of this Code and at the request of the competent authority of the foreign state, to detain for the purposes of legal assistance a person in respect of whom no official request for extradition has been received. In this case the appropriate application :

495.3.1. shall have been received in advance by mail, telegram, telex or fax ;
495.3.2. shall refer to the arrest warrant or the final court judgment ;
495.3.3. shall confirm that the official request for extradition will be made within the next 48 hours.
495.4. The prosecuting authority of the Azerbaijan Republic shall immediately inform the requesting competent authority of the foreign state that the person has been detained or arrested on the basis of the official request for extradition, or that he has been detained for the purposes of legal assistance at the request of the foreign state, pending receipt of the official request for extradition.

495.5. A person arrested in accordance with Articles 495.1 and 495.3. of this Code shall have the right to complain to a court about the acts of the prosecuting authority.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 92 Detención provisional

1. En caso de urgencia, la Corte podrá solicitar la detención provisional de la persona buscada hasta que se presente la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91.

2. La solicitud de detención provisional deberá hacerse por cualquier medio que permita dejar constancia escrita y contendrá:

(a) Información suficiente para identificar a la persona buscada y datos sobre su probable paradero;

(b) Una exposición concisa de los crímenes por los que se pida la detención y de los hechos que presuntamente serían constitutivos de esos crímenes, inclusive, de ser posible, la indicación de la fecha y el lugar en que se cometieron;

(c) Una declaración de que existe una orden de detención o una decisión final condenatoria respecto de la persona buscada; y

(d) Una declaración de que se presentará una solicitud de entrega de la persona buscada.

3. La persona sometida a detención provisional podrá ser puesta en libertad si el Estado requerido no hubiere recibido la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen, de conformidad con el artículo 91, dentro del plazo fijado en las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba. Sin embargo, el detenido podrá consentir en la entrega antes de que se cumpla dicho plazo siempre que lo permita el derecho interno del Estado requerido. En ese caso, el Estado requerido procederá a entregar al detenido a la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

4. El hecho de que la persona buscada haya sido puesta en libertad de conformidad con el párrafo 3 no obstará para que sea nuevamente detenida y entregada una vez que el Estado requerido reciba la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen.