Confidencialidad de las solicitudes de cooperación y de los documentos que las justifiquen

República de Trinidad y Tabago

The International Criminal Court Act 2006


29. (1) A request for assistance and any documents supporting the request shall be kept confidential by the Trinidad and Tobago authorities who deal with the request, except to the extent that the disclosure is necessary for execution of the request.
(2) If the ICC requests that particular information that is made available with a request for assistance be provided and handled in a manner that protects the safety and physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses, and their families, the Trinidad and Tobago authorities shall use their best endeavours to give effect to that request. Confidentiality of request

(3) In this section, the Trinidad and Tobago authorities are—
(a) the Attorney General;
(b) every police officer;
(c) every prison officer; and
(d) every employee of or contractor engaged by a Trinidad and Tobago agency that is authorized to deal with the request.
(4) Subsection (2) does not limit subsection (1).

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 87 Solicitudes de cooperación: disposiciones generales

3. El Estado requerido preservará el carácter confidencial de toda solicitud de cooperación y de los documentos que las justifiquen, salvo en la medida en que su divulgación sea necesaria para tramitarla.