Dar seguridades a lo testigo de que no será enjuiciados, detenido ni se restringirá su libertad personal

República de Austria

Austria - Extradition and Mutual Assistance (EN/DE) 1979 (2020)

Judicial Assistance to Foreign Countries


§ 53. (1) A request to appear before a foreign authority may only be served upon a person staying in Austria if it is ensured that the person will not be prosecuted, punished or restricted in his/her personal liberty for an act committed before leaving the Republic of Austria. It shall be admissible, though, to prosecute, punish or restrict personal liberty
1. in connection with a punishable act that is the subject of the summons of a person as a defendant,
2. if, after the examination has been completed, the person summoned remains on the territory of the requesting State for more than fifteen days, although the person was in a position and allowed to leave it, or
3. if, after leaving the territory of the requesting State, the person returns there at his/her own accord, or is lawfully returned there.

(2) Summonses that contain threats of coercive measures in the event of non compliance may only be served with the instruction that the threatened measures cannot be executed in Austria.

Judicial Assistance to Foreign Countries

Competences and Procedure

Admitting Foreign Agencies and Persons Involved in the Proceedings to Acts of Judicial Assistance
§ 59. (2) Persons who were allowed to attend acts of judicial assistance pursuant to paragraph (1) must not be prosecuted, punished or restricted in their personal liberty during their stay in Austria for an act committed prior to their entry to Austria. It shall, however, be admissible to prosecute, punish or restrict the personal liberty of such persons
1. if the person admitted to attend the act of judicial assistance remains on the territory of the Republic of Austria for more than fifteen days after the act of judicial assistance has been completed, although he/she was in a position and allowed to leave it, or
2. if, after leaving the territory of the Republic of Austria, he/she return at his/her own accord, or is lawfully returned.

Obtaining Extradition, Transit, Delivery, Judicial Assistance, as well as Taking Over the Prosecution of a Case, Surveillance and Execution

Obtaining Judicial Assistance

Summoning Persons from Other States
§ 72. (2) The summoned person must not be prosecuted, punished or restricted in his/her personal liberty in Austria for an act committed before his/her entry into Austria. However, it shall be admissible to prosecute, punish and restrict personal liberty
1. for a punishable act that constitutes the subject of the summons for a person as a defendant,
2. if the summoned person remains on the territory of the Republic of Austria for more than fifteen days after the examination has been completed, although he/she was in a position and allowed to leave, or
3. if he/she returns at his/her own accord or is lawfully returned after leaving the territory of the Republic of Austria.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

2. La Corte podrá dar seguridades a los testigos o expertos que comparezcan ante ella de que no serán enjuiciados o detenidos ni se restringirá su libertad personal por un acto u omisión anterior a su salida del Estado requerido.