Contenido de la solicitud – disposiciones del derecho interno

República de Austria

Austria - Extradition and Mutual Assistance (EN/DE) 1979 (2020)

General Provisions

General Reservation
§ 2. A foreign request may only be complied if this does not violate public order or other essential interests of the Republic of Austria.

§ 3. (1) A foreign request may only be complied if it is ensured that the requesting State would also comply with a similar request by Austria.

(2) A request under this federal law may not be filed by an Austrian authority if it were not possible to comply with a similar request by another State, unless a request appears to be needed urgently for specific reasons. In this case, the requested State shall be notified of the absence of reciprocity.

(3) In the event of doubts concerning compliance with reciprocity, the opinion of the Federal Minister of Justice shall be obtained.

(4) Another State may be assured of reciprocity in connection with a request made under this federal law, provided that there are no intergovernmental agreement and that it would be admissible under this federal law to comply with a similar request of this State.

§ 4. There shall be compliance with the conditions that another State imposes on the occasion of granting an extradition, transit or surrender, when providing judicial assistance, or in connection with taking over a case for criminal prosecution, surveillance, or execution, and which were not rejected.

Judicial Assistance to Foreign Countries

Competences and Procedure

Form and Content of a Request for Judicial Assistance
§ 56. (1) Judicial assistance may only be provided if it is possible to gather from the request the facts and the classification of the punishable act underlying the request. A reference to the criminal-law stipulations applicable or applied in the requesting State shall suffice in the case of requests for the service of documents.

(2) A request for ordering and performing one of the investigative measures governed by Chapter One to Chapter Eight of Title 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall comprise a copy, a certified copy or a photostat copy of the order of the competent authority. If this is not a court order, the authority requesting judicial assistance shall present a statement explaining that the prerequisites required for
such measures are met under the law applicable in the requesting State.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 96 Contenido de la solicitud relativa a otras formas de asistencia de conformidad con el artículo 93

3. A solicitud de la Corte, todo Estado Parte consultará con la Corte, en general o respecto de un asunto concreto, sobre las disposiciones de su derecho interno que puedan ser aplicables de conformidad con el párrafo 2 (e). En esas consultas, los Estados Partes comunicarán a la Corte las disposiciones específicas de su derecho interno.

Artículo 97 Consultas con la Corte

El Estado Parte que reciba una solicitud de conformidad con la presente parte celebrará sin dilación consultas con la Corte si considera que la solicitud le plantea problemas que puedan obstaculizar o impedir su cumplimiento. Esos problemas podrían ser, entre otros:

(a) Que la información fuese insuficiente para cumplir la solicitud;

(b) Que, en el caso de una solicitud de entrega, la persona no pudiera ser localizada, pese a los intentos realizados, o que en la investigación realizada se hubiere determinado claramente que la persona en el Estado requerido no es la indicada en la solicitud; o

(c) Que el cumplimiento de la solicitud en su forma actual obligare al Estado requerido a no cumplir una obligación preexistente en virtud de un tratado con otro Estado.