Asistencia de los Estados relativa a la comparecencia y la declaración de testigos y la presentación de documentos


Australia - International Criminal Court Act No. 41 2002 (2018) EN

Part 4—Other requests by ICC

Division 5—Taking evidence or producing documents or articles

69 Compellability of persons to attend etc.
(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the laws of each State or Territory with respect to compelling persons:
(a) to attend before a magistrate; and
(b) to give evidence, answer questions, and produce documents or other articles;
on the hearing of a charge against a person for an offence against the law of that State or Territory apply, so far as they are capable of application, with respect to so compelling persons for the purposes of this Division.
(2) For the purposes of this Division, the person to whom the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor, or the proceeding before the ICC, relates, is competent but not compellable to give evidence.
(3) If:
(a) a person is required to give evidence, or produce documents or other articles, for the purposes of an investigation conducted by the Prosecutor or a proceeding before the ICC; and
(b) the person is not compellable to answer a particular question, or to produce a particular document or article, for the purposes of that investigation or proceeding; the person is not compellable to answer the question, or produce the document or article, for the purposes of this Division.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 64 Funciones y atribuciones de la Sala de Primera Instancia

6. Al desempeñar sus funciones antes del juicio o en el curso de éste, la Sala de Primera Instancia podrá, de ser necesario:

(b) Ordenar la comparecencia y la declaración de testigos y la presentación de documentos y otras pruebas recabando, de ser necesario, la asistencia de los Estados con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el presente Estatuto;