Laissez-passer – APIC

República de Malta

Malta - Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act Implementing ICC 2011 EN

Article 15
Judges, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutors and Registrar
2. The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar and members of their families forming part of their households shall be accorded every facility for leaving the country where they may happen to be and for entering and leaving the country where the Court is sitting. On journeys in connection with the exercise of their functions, the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar shall in all States Parties through which they may have to pass enjoy all the privileges, immunities and facilities granted by States Parties to diplomatic agents in similar circumstances under the Vienna Convention.

Acuerdo sobre los Privilegios e Inmunidades de la Corte Penal Internacional

Artículo 29 Laissez-passer

Los Estados Partes reconocerán y aceptarán como documentos de viaje válidos los laissez-passer de las Naciones Unidas o los documentos de viaje expedidos por la Corte a los Magistrados, el Fiscal, los Fiscales Adjuntos, el Secretario, el Secretario Adjunto, el personal de la Fiscalía y el personal de la Secretaría.