Royaume des Pays-Bas

Statut de Rome 18 juillet 1998 17 juillet 2001
Accords sur les privilèges et immunités de la Cour Pénale Internationale - APIC 11 septembre 2003 24 juillet 2008

Notes sur la mise en oeuvre

The Netherlands’ position as the Host State has particular bearing on the role the Netherlands plays in relation to the International Criminal Court. Past experience as Host State of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, has certainly helped in drafting national legislation implementing the Rome Statute. The Dutch ICC Implementation Act addresses all relevant aspects for an effective collaboration with the ICC, although not all aspects of other forms of cooperation envisaged in Article 93 of the Rome Statute are considered in the Act and the thorny issue of managing competing requests has been dealt with through a direct reference to the relevant Article in the Rome Statute. The Dutch International Crimes Act criminalises genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in a manner consistent with the Rome Statute. Notably, however, the Netherlands have also integrated in this Act the grave breaches provided for in Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, to which the Netherlands is a State Party. With regard to immunities, the Netherlands has adopted the approach outlined by the International Court of Justice in the Yerodia case.

Mise en oeuvre de la législation nationale

International Criminal Court Implementation Act 2002
Rijkswet van 20 juni 2002 tot uitvoering van het Statuut van het Internationaal Strafhof met betrekking tot de samenwerking met en bijstand aan het Internationaal Strafhof en de tenuitvoerlegging van zijn vonnissen (Uitvoeringswet Internationaal Strafhof) 2002

Principaux mots clés

Voir mots clés pertinents.