Contenu de la demande d’arrestation provisoire


Montenegro - Criminal Procedure Code 2009 (EN)

Part One

Chapter VIII


Ordering Detention, Contents of the Ruling on Detention and Right of Appeal against the Ruling

Article 176
(1) Detention shall be ordered upon the motion of the authorized prosecutor by a ruling issued by the competent Court, after a previous hearing of the accused person.

(2) The ruling ordering detention shall contain: first name and the surname, year and place of birth of the persons against whom detention is ordered, criminal offence they are charged with, the legal grounds for detention, the duration of detention, the time the person was deprived of liberty, instructions on the right to appeal, the statement of reasons as well as a statement of the grounds for ordering detention, the official seal and the signature of the judge ordering detention.

(3) The ruling ordering detentionshall be served on persons to whom it relates immediately after it is rendered. The day and the time the ruling was received shall be indicated in the files. Detained persons shall acknowledge the receipt of the ruling with their signature.

(4) Detainees and their defense attorneys may file an appeal against the ruling ordering detention to the panel referred to in Article 24, Paragraph 7 of the present Code within a term of 24 hours from the moment of the delivery of the ruling. The appeal, the ruling on detention and other files shall be submitted to the Panel immediately. An appeal shall not stay the enforcement of the the ruling.

(5) The State Prosecutor may lodge an appeal to the Panel referred to in Article 24, Paragraph 7 of the present Code Against the ruling rejecting the motion of the State Prosecutor to order detention to the accused person, within 24 hours as of the moment of serving the ruling. an appeal shall not stay the enforcement of the ruling.

(6) In cases referred to in paras. 4 and 5 of this Article, the Panel deciding on the appeal shall render a decision within 48 hours.

Statut de Rome

Article 92 Arrestation provisoire

2. La demande d'arrestation provisoire est faite par tout moyen laissant une trace écrite et contient :

a) Le signalement de la personne recherchée, suffisant pour l'identifier, et des renseignements sur le lieu où elle se trouve probablement ;

b) L'exposé succinct des crimes pour lesquels la personne est recherchée et des faits qui seraient constitutifs de ces crimes, y compris, si possible, la date et le lieu où ils se seraient produits ;

c) Une déclaration affirmant l'existence à l'encontre de la personne recherchée d'un mandat d'arrêt ou d'un jugement établissant sa culpabilité ; et

d) Une déclaration indiquant qu'une demande de remise de la personne recherchée suivra.