Demande d’assistance d’un Etat à la CPI


Cooperation Ordinance with the International Criminal Court Ordinance No. 2003.69

Legal assistance from the International Criminal Court

An application by a Swedish prosecutor or court for legal assistance shall, in accordance with that stated in Chapter 3, Section 1, first paragraph of the International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (2000:562) contain information concerning
1. the judge or prosecutor who is dealing with the case or matter, or some other person at the authority who may be contacted,
2. address, telephone and telefax numbers and, where available, e-mail address, and
3. the case or reference number.
The application may also contain details of the procedure or conditions that the International Criminal Court should observe when the requested measure is executed and also the reasons for this.
The application shall be submitted to the Ministry of Justice to be forwarded to the Registrar of the International Criminal Court.

International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (2000:562)

Chapter 4. Special provisions concerning different measures of legal assistance

Examination in conjunction with preliminary investigation

Section 1

A request for hearing in Sweden in accordance with the provisions relating to preliminary investigations in criminal matters is executed by a prosecutor.

Representatives for the requesting authority may participate at the hearing and may, with the permission of the prosecutor, present questions directly to the person being heard.

Chapter 4. Special provisions concerning different measures of legal assistance

Taking of evidence in courts

Taking of evidence in foreign courts

Section 6

In a case or a matter at a Swedish court, the court may decide that evidence shall be taken in a foreign court. Such taking of evidence may relate to conduct of a viewing, written evidence or hearing of a witness, expert, party, the aggrieved person or the person referred to in Chapter 36, Section 1, second and third paragraphs of the Code of Judicial Procedure.

Section 7

If measures referred to in Chapter 23, Sections 13-15, of the Code of Judicial Procedure shall be taken in a foreign court and the foreign state requires that the request first shall be considered by a court in Sweden, a district court may at the request of a prosecutor decide that such measures shall be taken abroad.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération


10. a) Si elle reçoit une demande en ce sens, la Cour peut coopérer avec l'État Partie qui mène une enquête ou un procès concernant un comportement qui constitue un crime relevant de la compétence de la Cour ou un crime grave au regard du droit interne de cet État, et prêter assistance à cet État.


b. L'interrogatoire de toute personne détenue par ordre de la Cour ;

i) Cette assistance comprend notamment :

a. La transmission de dépositions, documents et autres éléments de preuve recueillis au cours d'une enquête ou d'un procès menés par la Cour ; et

ii) Dans le cas visé au point a. du sous-alinéa b, i) :

a. La transmission des documents et autres éléments de preuve obtenus avec l'assistance d'un État requiert le consentement de cet État ;

b. La transmission des dépositions, documents et autres éléments de preuve fournis par un témoin ou par un expert se fait conformément aux dispositions de l'article 68.

c) La Cour peut, dans les conditions énoncées au présent paragraphe, faire droit à une demande d'assistance émanant d'un État qui n'est pas partie au présent Statut.