Contenu de la demande d’arrestation et remise – exigences de la législation nationale

République de Namibie

Criminal Procedure Act, 2004


Warrant of arrest may be issued by district magistrate or justice of the peace

45. (1) A district magistrate or justice of the peace may issue a warrant for the arrest of a person on the written application of a member of the police of the rank of commissioned officer -

(a) which sets out the offence alleged to have been committed ;
(b) which alleges that the offence in question was committed within the area of jurisdiction of the district magistrate or, in the case of a justice of the peace, within the area of jurisdiction of the district magistrate within whose district or area application is made to the justice of the peace for the warrant of arrest, or where the offence was not committed within that area of jurisdiction, which alleges that the person in respect of whom the application is made, is known or is on reasonable grounds suspected to be within that area of jurisdiction ; and
(c) which states that from information taken on oath there is a reasonable suspicion that the person in respect of whom the warrant of arrest is applied for has committed the alleged offence.

Statut de Rome

Article 91 Contenu de la demance d'arrestation et de remise

4. À la demande de la Cour, un État Partie tient avec celle-ci, soit d'une manière générale, soit à propos d'une question particulière, des consultations sur les conditions prévues par sa législation interne qui pourraient s'appliquer selon le paragraphe 2, alinéa c). Lors de ces consultations, l'État Partie informe la Cour des exigences particulières de sa législation.