Fourniture d’informations ou de documents ou de toute autre forme de coopération ou d’assistance par une organisation intergouvernementale

République populaire du Bangladesh

Bangladesh - The International Crimes Act 1973 (2013)

An Act to provide for the detention, prosecution and punishment of persons for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other crimes under international law.

19.Rules of evidence

(1) A Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence; and it shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and non-technical procedure, and may admit any evidence, including reports and photographs published in newspapers, periodicals and magazines, films and tape-recordings and other materials as may be tendered before it, which it deems to have probative value.

(2) A Tribunal may receive in evidence any statement recorded by a Magistrate or an Investigation Officer being a statement made by any person who, at the time of the trial, is dead or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay or expense which the Tribunal considers unreasonable.

(3) A Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.

(4) A Tribunal shall take judicial notice of official governmental documents and reports of the United Nations and its subsidiary agencies or other international bodies including non-governmental organisations.

Statut de Rome

Article 87 Demandes de coopération : dispositions générales

6. La Cour peut demander des renseignements ou des documents à toute organisation intergouvernementale. Elle peut également solliciter d'autres formes de coopération et d'assistance dont elle est convenue avec une organisation intergouvernementale et qui sont conformes aux compétences ou au mandat de celle-ci.