Competence for Co-operation with the International Criminal Court and for the Execution of Decisions Thereof
Article 4
Once it has established that the request mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article contains required data set forth in the Statute, the Ministry shall transmit it to the competent state authority to proceed as provided for by this Law.
Should the Ministry establish that the request mentioned in paragraph 1 of said Article does not contain required data set forth in the Statute, it shall return it to the International Criminal Court for completion and/or corrigenda.
4. À la demande de la Cour, un État Partie tient avec celle-ci, soit d'une manière générale, soit à propos d'une question particulière, des consultations sur les conditions prévues par sa législation interne qui pourraient s'appliquer selon le paragraphe 2, alinéa c). Lors de ces consultations, l'État Partie informe la Cour des exigences particulières de sa législation.