Contenu de la demande d’arrestation et remise – exigences de la législation nationale

République d'Azerbaïdjan

Azerbaijan - Criminal Procedure Code (EN) 2000



Chapter LVII

Article 493. Content of official requests for extradition

493.1. Official requests for extradition of a person shall indicate the following :

493.1.1. the name of the prosecuting authority of the Azerbaijan Republic to which the request is addressed ;
493.1.2. the name of the requesting competent authority of the foreign state ;
493.1.3. the title of the criminal case in respect of which legal assistance is requested and brief information about it ;
493.1.4. a description of the factual circumstances of the act and the text of the requesting state’s law describing the act as an offence ;
493.1.5. the family name, first name and father’s name of the person to be extradited, his nationality, address or whereabouts and, if possible, a description of his personal appearance and other information about his identity ;
493.1.6. the cost of the damage caused by the offence.

493.2. An official request for extradition in order to bring a criminal prosecution against the person concerned shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the warrant for his arrest.

493.3. An official request for extradition in order to enforce a judgment shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the final judgment and the text of the provision of criminal law applied to the convicted person. If the convicted person has served part of his sentence, information shall also be given on this point.

Statut de Rome

Article 91 Contenu de la demance d'arrestation et de remise

4. À la demande de la Cour, un État Partie tient avec celle-ci, soit d'une manière générale, soit à propos d'une question particulière, des consultations sur les conditions prévues par sa législation interne qui pourraient s'appliquer selon le paragraphe 2, alinéa c). Lors de ces consultations, l'État Partie informe la Cour des exigences particulières de sa législation.